Sunday, November 30, 2014

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Kremnegran "analysis of foreign experience of individual low-rise housing (IPD) and the possibility of IPD in Russia
Diatomite (diatomaceous earth, tripoli) - a sedimentary rock composed of the remains of diatoms and protozoa. Chemically diatomite 96% consists of silicon oxide SiO2. In Russia, diatomite mine began in the XVIII century. in Simbirsk province. When large deposits of diatomite in the 1980s, have been found in Siberia, the event is considered comparable in importance with the opening of the Tyumen [...]
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Home Analysis Analysis of foreign experience of individual low-rise housing (IPD) and the possibility of IPD in Russia analysis of foreign experience ranstad self service of individual low-rise housing (IPD) and the possibility of IPD in Russia
Generalized history of development and especially abroad IPD US - market analysis, types of IPD and Technology ranstad self service Building Germany - market analysis, types of IPD and Technology Building Canada - market analysis, types of IPD and construction technology Finland - market analysis, types of IMD and low-rise construction technology trends overseas development capabilities of IPD in Russia for example, foreign housing
In the format of the past in fevrale2009 at the Hotel "Borodino" seminar on the theme: "The impact of the state of the living environment and housing quality of life of the middle class Russia's social and economic activity of citizens and the institution of the family, microsocium and other institutions of civil society", organized by "Russian house of the future ( and" Social Development Fund, "the author of this analytical article - Balayev Sergey (Executive Director of the Guild of Marketers (, the independent expert marketing consultant and Economic Analysis (http: / /, in the current ranstad self service work analyzes the incentives and the trend of low-rise construction abroad and opens the possibility of the development of industrial low-rise housing (IPD) in Russia.
Having our own desire for low-rise houses for families and individualization of personal space is included in the national mentality of residents of the northern and central parts of Europe and North America ranstad self service (Figure 1).

The most popular in North America, Central and Northern Europe are fabricated individual low-rise houses, the price (for 1 sq m) lower than the city. This allows you to create a large area of property is based on one person (Figure 3).
Adopted by the typology of housing in Europe and America (technology low-rise building) (Table 1): Modular; Panel (large cell); Frame - panel; Glued wood; Turned timber ranstad self service
Germany Modular Modular Modular Panel (large cell); ranstad self service Panel (large ranstad self service cell); ranstad self service Frame - Frame panel - panel frame - panel frame - panel glued wood beams Turned
Construction Technology for low-rise buildings in North America, Central and Northern Europe are frame-panel (63% -99%) and modular (-255 2%) as the most rapidly constructed, and at the lowest cost in the construction and installation (Table 1 ).
Striving for Prefabricated and cheap housing in the twentieth century tend to countries with large population growth - the US, with an increase in the different periods of 5% -15% per year, Canada, with a stable annual growth rate of 1% -3% Germany, with an increase in the end of the 40s in the 7% -9% in the late 80s - early 90s by 25% -45%
Financial crises are motivated, in the post-crisis period, extensive formation of pre-fabricated ranstad self service construction technology and intensive development of more affordable housing - the United States - a crisis of "The Great Depression" 1929-1934 gg Height ranstad self service Build-ment of residential buildings - 17% -22% per year, Germany - post-military crisis 1945-1949 gg Height-tion builder of houses - 30% -45% per year
After the financial crisis, "Great Depression" 1929-1934 gg in the US boom of development of individual housing (single-family) rate of 45% -72% per year, at an average annual growth of residential construction tepah 17.1% -22%.
USA is one of the "under construction" of the countries in the world, with an average annual rate of housing construction in the United States during the period 2000-2007 gg ~ 10%, despite the stagnation in the volume of construction in 2005-2007 and a decrease in housing prices by 9.5% annually, the s2005 (Table 2).
- Incomes of the population (bln. $. / Year)
The population density of 26.8 persons USA. on 3/4 of the total population - Americans, 0.4% of the population - natives (Indians and Eskimos) and more than 12% of African-America

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thank you, it

In the comments to the previous food warmer display article food warmer display "What is silent Gantt chart or why projects are always late" promptly inserted links to videos and slaydkasty describing other reasons causing errors when using Gantt charts. The greatest debate and misunderstanding caused due dates straightening skewed distribution term solution. Under the cut example of the impact on the completion date of the project this very asymmetric distribution. Before we start, let me remind you that in the framework of the examples, the values used for solving the problem of time taken from some previous experience and are objective. food warmer display The examples food warmer display are intended to demonstrate that the drawing in the construction of a Gantt chart only on the expectation food warmer display of a single task completion time, we will get into a trouble. Consider an example in which the most likely time for solving the problem food warmer display is 3 hours. It is quite clear that there is a time that we will solve the problem can not. We need to read the task, see related tasks, food warmer display discuss some issues with the analyst or architect, open IDE, load the project, make changes to the code, sbildit, start, check that everything is working as expected, etc. Suppose, food warmer display in less than 30 minutes, we will not be able to solve the problem. But on the other hand, if you have problems with your computer (unlikely, but still), detection of associated bug, in the absence of on-site personnel with which to align the solution of the problem, food warmer display the term may be increased to 6, and even up to 9 hours. As a result, we obtain the probability density function of the form (along the axis of abscissa time to solve the problem): And this is not a normal distribution. I, for this article, has taken a gamma distribution, there are also others, such as the Maxwell distribution, beta-distribution, etc. Excellent, as I said, the expectation of problem solving time is three hours. Gantt Chart for five consecutive running food warmer display tasks will be: Now back to the gamma distribution and calculations, or (as I did, very much like programming) modeling food warmer display the probability of completion of all phases in a given hour. The first news is joyful, the probability density function assumed a normal distribution, but everything else ... For this to rest understand construct probability food warmer display of completing a given hour: Chance to complete the planned 15 hour is only 20%. To achieve a 90% probability must move completion time is 7 hours (which is 50% of the initial time). And then, in the case of the remaining 10% we will not fit, and a 5% chance we will complete the five tasks after 9 hours. Another sad news is that even the use of the latest food warmer display popular food warmer display methods of three estimates, food warmer display the situation has not straighten. If you do not remember, the main idea of the method consists of three assessments that takes a pessimistic outlook, optimistic outlook and expectation. In this case, the time for completion of the task is determined by the formula: In our case, if we take for the problem as optimistic forecast probability of 30% for the pessimistic - 95%, and for most of the expected 50%, the probability based on the schedule to complete one the problem to a given hour: received: food warmer display Multiplies 3.7 hours, 5 stages and get 18.5 hours. It's already food warmer display much better we fit into this period with 75% probability. A quarter of cases will continue to disrupt timing. Links to materials from the comments to the previous article: 1. Poisson combustion timing 2. Human and mathematical terms straightening Ps For subtraction and tips to become a big thanks to Andrey Potapov, CrazyViper and Cartmendum (last for swearing at my ignorance of probability theory).
Integrated project management food warmer display system for small and medium business August 24, 2011 at 16:33
Thank you, it's interesting. Clearly shows that pure mathematics (method of three evaluations) is not sufficient and the desire to reach the 90% probability food warmer display for the described technique you will likely fly at a reasonable frame (expectations, budget, food warmer display etc.). Made us think and how he is waiting ranks. Vskidku turns out that the estimation accuracy of all people are different, the complexity of the problems are different, it is necessary to take into account the correlation of the complexity and the competence of the performers, the number and nature of the interactions between the participants of the project (chain) and external parties, the motivation of participants and perhaps this is not the whole list. A lot of factors is obtained which is probably working hard to build a mathematical model.
That is why many modern food warmer display methods of trying to move away from the standard planning based on Gantt charts. For example, the control food warmer display method of the critical chain. And the introduction of iterative processes in development, can significantly improve the accuracy of forecasts. If you have missed the first iteration of the 20% is a very high probability, and the entire project you do not meet 20%. This e Assessment Tool nausea page (text spam level). food trolley When t

Everyone should be known that the density of a substance is the amount of mass per unit volume. When analyzing the same page or plain text, as the unit of volume is the size of the text in words - the number of words in an article, book, document, - is the source where we spend analysis, and weight is the number of repetitions of the same word. Thus, the keyword density is, the percentage of their occurrence in the text. How do you check this feature?
On the Internet there are many services for the analysis of the density food trolley of keywords in a text document or on a separate page. Below is a detailed list with a short description. List of online services check keyword food trolley density on the page Optimizer text, which allows to determine the density of keywords food trolley and phrases in a text. There are many options and filters, food trolley and the output is a table with the distribution of words and the second with the given words and their density. food trolley Assessment Tool nausea page (text spam level). food trolley When the analysis is the address of the page and the text on it is checked according to different word forms. At the output generated table of distribution of words in the whole tex <body>, <title>, a tag titles and tags, bold text. Verification Tool density. Enter the site in a special field and do not forget to tick the checkbox "density of the words" if you check it. The audit shows a table with the words and their frequency of occurrence in the text (the percentage and amount), plus the incidence of other tags. Foreign Service food trolley check keyword density on pages (Keyword Density Analyzer). In the form of checks, you can enter two addresses and site INTERESTED keyword to compare themselves with a competitor. One drawback - searches only the words you entered in English. Mozilla Firefox plug-ins to work with the keyword food trolley
KGen - keyword generator - an extension for Firefox, which allows you to see under what keywords sharpened visited page. You can see the most important keywords on the page for each tag by entering your weight. The plugin in action looks like this (for the page
Another good plugin for Firefox called SearchStatus, designed to display the page rankings food trolley in Google and Alexa, but also has a subsidiary TOOLS for key words. The truth is, there is one drawback - analyzes food trolley only English keywords. When searching for Russian on the page gives a zero incidence. Looks plug-in such a way (in the lower right corner of your browser):
Clicking food trolley on the first icon, right-click, get a list of expansion options food trolley SearchStatus, including "Show Keyword Density" (show keyword density). For example, the word for food trolley "Company" we get:
Related posts semantics analysis. Generating a report on the volume of the nucleus for each page Regular expressions for SEO Why is Google Analytics and Moscow show different data Useful plugin settings SeoQuake to empower site analysis Performance management campaigns of Yandex Direct in Google Analytics A simple method to quickly determine the quality of the reference profile analysis of a large nuclei script to simplify the classification requests
Mike, thank you, take note! Not previously encountered with this service check density of keywords .. I suppose you're a developer seoarena !? Can you describe it, please, in two sentences - what the service provides opportunities and, if neobohodimo how to use it? What is the difference the "fast" and "Recursive"? Thank you for your comment! food trolley
Service analyzes the density of word forms in the body, title, etc. Results as a sortable tablets and clouds. Certainly better to see once -
PS Damp until service. Even the test did not, the message: Sorry, the maximum number of requests for analysis. We strongly encourage you to register, then the limit will be increased.
I also have a blog, but to analyze the keyword density is not necessary. Information useful. Thanks. But here I was faced with the service Advego. There is a store of articles. And there can be ordered comments and articles. In the order, you can specify keywords, and after writing comments to them, the keyword density is clearly rising.
Thanks for the links, but I still have to work and work. It is interesting to examine your site through the eyes of the robot.
In the "natural" theme text frequency is in the range of 5-7%. It is based on the density is determined by the COP theme of the text. How chelove

Friday, November 28, 2014

Lech Melnikov / 21.10.2010 steam table pdf

What does the mustache and boxes? | Portal Liberty Grant
Today I want to talk about a very useful way of visualizing large amounts of data, which wrongly paid little attention as in the analytical work and reports - on the diagram "box and whisker" (Eng. Box and whiskers diagram).
When we speak of samples (eg, multiple measurements steam table pdf or survey steam table pdf data), it is important to remember that the average, at best, an incomplete picture shows, and may seriously misleading. In order to more fully illuminate the nature of the sample and to show its key values, very convenient to use the chart "box steam table pdf and whisker".
Let's first look at what's this box. If we have a set of data (sampling), we can plot the density distribution for it. A box with a mustache in a compact and convenient steam table pdf form shows the median and lower quartile is true, minima and maxima of the sample and release (if any). By the way, the algorithm for determining emissions is also very interesting, and we will tell you in detail about this in our next articles.
Lech Melnikov / 21.10.2010 steam table pdf
Thank you for the review, there is something to think about. I have seen this method in Excel data visualization, where it was called differently. Meanwhile, it is rarely used because it requires additional knowledge. And not everyone has the desire to receive them. I'm thinking now, and I understand that in the future will have to dig in this area further.
You can try to do something with "stock" graphic Excel. You can use the instructions: how to build a horizontal graphics how to build vertical But in any case it is a long process, all need to count yourself.
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2010-2011 Liberty Grant

Thursday, November 27, 2014

1. Introduction. Continuing studies of the phenomenon of prophetic dreams were carried out a series

Abstract thea schmidt Based on the assumption that the effects on REM sleep rhythm exogenous origin conducted full-scale measurement of sleep for long periods of time. Marked the immutability of the form of the density distribution of awakenings within a period of a hypothetical minute rate for any length of time from the full calendar of the observation period.
Table of Contents 1) Introduction. 2) Results and discussion. 3) Experimental procedures and tools. 4) Steins asteroid as a source of hypothetical rhythm. 5) The list of referenced literature.
1. Introduction. Continuing studies of the phenomenon of prophetic dreams were carried out a series of in-situ measurements of time indicators REM or rapid eye movement (REM) keeping them in the database. During the test period of sleep all the noise from the body movements were recorded on tape, audiogram records analyzed and singular points audiogram that correlate with the time at the end of the BDG, entered into the database. The recorder also records thea schmidt the content of dreams upon awakening if the subject thea schmidt was able to do it. Wake-up time was recorded with an accuracy of 5 seconds from the time of the world, supported in hardware synchronization via the Internet. Data processing algorithm is built on the assumption that the influence thea schmidt on the phase of a REM period with ekzoritma 9.09 minutes. The length of the observation period of calendar time is divided into equal intervals of this value is calculated for each event offset from the beginning of the interval, which owns the event, and the resulting density distribution diagrams of these shifts in the interval for the length of time the measurements are shown in Figs. Some features of the methods of measurement and processing are discussed in the section thea schmidt "Experimental procedures and tools." Terms and definitions adopted in the text. Full calendar observation period. The period from 1 April 2013 to 20 May 2014, during which the recording was carried out noise from the body movement sleep test, followed by detection of the end of the audiogram REM phase and registration in the database together with the texts related dreams. Estimated calendar time intervals as part of the total observation period, selected on the basis of an equal number thea schmidt of events for each of the segments intersecting or non-intersecting on a full calendar period of observation. Concept was introduced thea schmidt in the method of calculating the results to assess the invariance with respect thea schmidt to calendar time. A small period of time equal to 9.09 minutes, which is split billing interval of calendar time. Integral density distribution of events in a small period of time. Private event distribution for each small interval on all settlement calendar time interval are summed to obtain the integral thea schmidt of the density distribution of events in a small period of time.
2. Results and discussion. All singular points obtained during observations audiogram divided into finished and unfinished awakening. Not every completion of a phase of rapid eye movement REM accompanied by a full awakening, followed by the ability to dictation stored dreams. We consider separately the results of treatment groups these two categories. 1) Completed awakening. thea schmidt If the end of the REM phase leads to full awakening and the subject is able to dictate the content stored dream event on the audiogram categorized as complete awakening. Total in this category collected 1,594 events. To assess the invariance thea schmidt of calendar time calculations are made for the four variants of partitioning a full calendar period of observation on the estimated length of time. - Full calendar time period of observation. Fig. 1 is a diagram of the cumulative thea schmidt distribution of the density of completed awakenings in a small period of time for the entire observation period from 1 April 2013 to 20 May 2014. Marked clearly defined regions of maximum density of the events of 1 and 2 - The observation period thea schmidt is divided into two disjoint intervals of calendar time. The condition of the partition is equal the number of events in each time interval. Fig. 2b on the background distribution of events in the full observation thea schmidt period shows two time interval partitioning. The result thea schmidt of processing is shown in Fig. 2A, in which pronounced maxima for both bell partition intervals are approximately the same sector of a short time interval. - The period of observation is divided into three non-overlapping time period. Condition robbery

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The lines are of different thickness, ie the lattice of different density. For example, Nikon likes

What is and why MTF MTF-diagram | Pro Photography
This estimate shows how the lens is capable of transmitting the details depending on the distance from the center of the lens. The horizontal axis is just postponed the distance from the center chandi heffner to the farthest corner of the sensor. Typically, chandi heffner the maximum image quality in the center, so 0 - is the center, and the vertical axis in percent detail. Where 1 is 100%. But the detail of what?
To do this, take two sets of mutually perpendicular lines. Call them in different ways, but the essence is the same. They differ in the graph in this case, the line type: solid - line in one direction, the dotted - perpendicular.
Next, estimate the image sharpness of the lines at different distances from the center. The sharper the image, the above graph. If the graph falls to zero in the right-hand side - that means that poor sharpness in the corners.
White square - is a pixel in the matrix. 1 - it's fast lens wide open. 2-4 - image of a point in the corner is not the best wide-angle. 5 and 6 - problems with focus. 7 - the perfect lens, but you do not get this, because before the matrix is worth a special filter that makes of 7 8. This filter not only Nikon D800E. The filter is necessary in order to avoid moire on the images. Because of all of this is lost sharpness, and you try to measure periodic lines.
The lines are of different thickness, ie the lattice of different density. For example, Nikon likes to use 10liny / mm 30liny / mm. Other manufacturers can evaluate chandi heffner on the other line thickness, the most corrosive chandi heffner take 3 or more lines of different chandi heffner thickness. chandi heffner Schedule for the thick lines is the most important, it defines the contrast of the image, but the thin lines are also interesting, though minor, as determined by the details of small elements in the photo.
MTF schedule depends on many things: the focal length and distance from the apartment, the diaphragm, the wavelength of light, and more. Therefore, if the graph is not exactly specify under what parameters passed measure, then most likely you are trying chandi heffner to cheat. Here's how to look right MTF chart, the Germans do this:
In fact, there are two approaches to draw a graph. The first method is expensive - take the lens and hold it for measurement, as do the Germans. It is clear that such a method for mass production, like Nikon, is not necessary. Therefore, there is a second - to take and calculate the schedule on the computer, get some average value for all lenses immediately. It is the second way you can see on your boxes. Obviously, chandi heffner it does not give any idea of the quality of your particular instance, as the complexity of the design, chandi heffner all instances may differ from each other. Well, without having the parameters for which this curve is drawn, this picture is from the world of fantasy and reality has nothing to do, because the reality is much more complicated.
Above the same lens. From left to measure the white light, right - monochromatic green. chandi heffner By the way, for this reason, in black-and-white photography popular green filters, green image becomes sharper.
If measurement parameters are all in place, and method for measuring clear (which is rare and I have not seen this for a common lens), here's the difference between a lens with good sharpness (left) from obekiva with bad (right):

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

2011 Motor transport

The basic diagram of the traffic flow. | Motor transport
From the presented equation that the increase in the density or flow rate contributes to a linear increase in traffic. In real driving conditions such traffic laws are not observed.
From these graphs, it follows that in the specific area by increasing sobeys ess the traffic to its FINE. The values of the traffic increases to max. Value equal to the capacity of highway R. Increasing traffic is accompanied by a decrease in the rate of traffic flow. This behavior of the intensity and flow rate due to qualitative changes in the flow. The increase in traffic in the free mode due to a fairly high speed motion of the individual a / m. In terms pachkoobraznogo driving modes due douplotneniem sobeys ess traffic flow by reducing the safety distance m / s from individual A / m. When the column mode of movement is a simultaneous decrease in speed tr. and traffic flow. At the time of the tr. congestion intensity and speed of the flow equal to 0. To determine the rate tr. necessary to direct sobeys ess the flow through the point and the origin. Then tg angle of this line will correspond to the speed tr. stream.
Conclusion: The analysis of the main chart DV-I tr. the flow of the show-is that the main task associated with the org-dor her second DV-I yavl Xia measures to eliminate points of occurrence of disturbances in the tr. flow and secondly, to take all possible measures in terms of capacity constraints preysheniya INT-minute DV-I above the max-th value equal to the capacity of the highway. One of the goals of the org-dor-of DV-I is at least providing a 15% capacity INT-minute sobeys ess DV-I below the capacity of the highway. Nmah? 0,85R.
Related articles: The wave speed. The method of investigation of its impact on traffic flow modes of motion tr-flows (free, partially-bound and bound) sobeys ess and Har-ki. Quality indicators UDM. Factors determining the DD process. Complex factors affecting traffic safety on the AT. . Influence of speed on fuel consumption cars. Active safety. Basic Pull-speed qualities PBX. Influence of functional connection of individual technical and operational parameters on the performance of the car. Classification and transport and operational performance of highways. SAI offers to correct the SDA and prohibit spikes Artificial lighting: its structure, regulation, calculation
Categories Cars (20) Safety (14) Safety and Traffic (12) VAZ-21213 (30) Analysis of the state of matter (8) Analytical studies (7) Abstract (1) Introduction (1) Provision of BDZ (4) How to use Results (4) Experimental studies (5) Freight (30) Marketing (10) The organization of commercial work (11) More efficient use of vehicles (10) Means of communication transport systems (5) The market for transport services (9) Special lifting machines. Winches (7) Articles (1186) Tehnichestkoe maintenance and repair of motor vehicles sobeys ess (13) Technology, sobeys ess organization and management of road passenger transport (24) The economy in motor vehicles (19)
2011 Motor transport

Monday, November 24, 2014

If you divide the number of stars received by the volume in which they are (all volumes are approxi

Stellar density is the number of stars falling on the volume of 1 cubic parsec. The study of our solar system, you can start with a definition of the stellar density in the vicinity of the sun. First we get a rough estimate using Table. 1. Since the twentieth of the closest star is at a distance of 3.47 ps, the average stellar density in a sphere with a radius of 3.47 ps can be calculated by dividing 20 by the volume of the sphere. Obtained 0.11 stars per cubic parsec.
However, we can not be sure that within a sphere with a radius of 3.47 ps identified all the stars. electric chafing dish Probably, there are stars so low luminosities that, despite the closeness of their luster is very small and the apparent magnitude may be equal to 16-17 . But the star of such apparent magnitude of millions, and allocate them among the stars that are very close to us, it is extremely difficult.
To verify the correctness of the assumption that the closest stars are not fully understood, we will use a more extensive list of nearby stars, electric chafing dish composed in 1942 by American astronomer Kuiper. This list contains 252 stars identified within the sphere with a radius of 10.5 ns. Count the number electric chafing dish of stars is closer 6.63 ps, how many distance lies between 6.63 and 8.34, then between 8.34 and 9.53 and, finally, between 9.53 and 10.50 CA. Such distances we chose because of a sphere with radius 6.63, 8.34 and 9.53 ps divide the whole sphere with a radius of 10.5 ps into four equal-size. We can assume that the actual stellar density in all locations within a sphere of radius 10.5 ps is the same, so if the proportion of undetected stars did not depend on the distance in all four groups have been allocated the same number of stars. However, the relevant number of stars equal to 93, 66, 48 and 45. The result shows that in the near of four equal: the volume of the star revealed more fully than in the second, and the third and fourth volumes of the share on the range of identified stars continues to decrease. This, of course, to be expected.
If you divide the number of stars received by the volume in which they are (all volumes are approximately 121 ps 3), we obtain for each volume of the stellar density detected stars. It is equal to 0.077, respectively; 0.055; 0,040 and 0,037 stars on the 1 ps 3.
We use the findings to make up undetected stars. To do this, we construct a diagram (Fig. 2), in which the horizontal axis we plot the average distance of each volume, t. E. The radius of the sphere, dividing the volume electric chafing dish into two equal parts (small dashes upward from the x-axis) and vertical electric chafing dish the density of stars identified in this volume. After that, draw a straight line that passes as close as possible to those obtained four points. Direct gives the variation of the density of the identified stars, t. E. The visible stellar density, which decreases with increasing distance and is always less than the true stellar density constant in this volume. But it is obvious that the immediate vicinity of the Sun, we are able to identify electric chafing dish all the stars. Therefore, the value of the visible stellar density at a distance of zero, obtained at the intersection of the line with the vertical axis of the diagram is both a value of true stellar density. Count shows that it should be evaluated in 0,133 stars per cubic parsec.
The method used in addition to filling novyyavlennyh stars, has reduced the role of chance. If based only on the 20 nearest stars, the result is more susceptible to accidents as these 20 stars could randomly to stay closer or less than the average for the entire volume. Operating with 252 stars, we significantly reduce the impact of the event. On our diagram accident in the positions of the stars revealed that the points are not exactly on the line, and deviate from it up or down.
The article electric chafing dish is based on old data, so the output is different from reality almost 2 orders of magnitude. In the sphere with a radius of 3.47 ps is not 20 and 980 stars brighter than 13th magnitude. A sphere with a radius of 5 ps is 5287 stars. Indeed the nearest star from the sun is at a distance 1.438228103 SS, but then starts to increase the density of stars and to 4.5 PS becomes approximately equal to a constant 10-11 stars per cubic parsec. Your review
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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Toolkit. - Syktyvkar: SFI, 2007. - 48 p. The book includes job control work and course project for

Toolkit. - Syktyvkar: SFI, 2007. - 48 p. The book includes job control work and course project for students mkn 20 majoring 250403 "Technology of Wood" correspondence courses. Recommendations on the choice of the heat and circulation equipment mkn 20 cameras, recommendations for the development planning mkn 20 of drying plants and the choice of mechanization and transport. Presents the necessary background data regarding drying chambers, mkn 20 equipment for drying kilns and workshops. The appendices are required to work graphs, charts. Can be used for graduate design. Contents: Introduction. General instructions. Guidance on the implementation of control work. Guidance on the implementation of the course project. mkn 20 Reference materials. Drying chambers for lumber. Drying chambers SKVK. Drying kameryKAD. Drying chambers VC-4 drying chamber SPLK-2 Heaters. Single row bimetallic heater. Compact spiral coiling (bimetallic) heaters. Means of mechanization and transport drying shop. Truck modeli4008-M. Drying tracks. Podshtabelnaya truck. Traverse trolleys. Lift A-6.5 package forming mkn 20 machines. Plans drying plants. Bibliography. mkn 20 Applications Plots of saturated water vapor pressure on temperature PH = f (t). Phase diagram mkn 20 of the air. The phase diagram of the flue gases. The average mkn 20 basic wood density. Figure wood density. mkn 20 Diagram of the equilibrium moisture content of wood. Modes of drying wood.

Draw diagrams of numerical calculation of inhomogeneous compression foam as an example of flexible

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Structure alfa tech india and properties of gas-filled polymers CALCULATION compression diagram flexible foam WITH REGARD apparent density, the degree of closed cells, the inhomogeneity of the macrostructure, the relaxation properties of polymers - -0SN0VY
Equation (4.1) allows a fairly complete description of the experimental data on the compression of different foams, however, does not explain the specifics of deformability of cellular materials. Indeed, there are several basic types of compression diagrams flexible foams low apparent density, which are represented on ris.4,1 / 3, 4, 25, 53-54, 89 /. It follows from equation alfa tech india (4.1), the type of compression alfa tech india diagrams in Figure 4.1 will not change when not * change the cellular structure. In fact, at constant cell structure (at the same elastic foam samples) at a temperature of 293K may be a compression type 2 diagram, but at higher temperatures - such as I. Moreover, even when the same compression temperature diagram form one and the same elastic foam samples may vary with type 2 (strain at high speeds) to type I at low strain rates / I /.
Nёnnye into squares. Thus all neighboring squares are connected with each other at the corners in mutually perpendicular planes. In anisotropic cell foams are elongated in the direction of foaming. We assume alfa tech india that the square rods rigidly clamped ends in non-deformable volume units
Thus, the height of the assembly much smaller length rods. Assume alfa tech india that at small and large deformations bands operate in a longitudinal-transverse bending of flexible rods, moreover when the critical loads in compression is implemented energetically most favorable buckling straps. The consequence is mentioned hypotheses, taking into account the continuity of the structure, the need for the destruction of foam collective alfa tech india buckling rods entering their ends in a knot. As a structural fragment taken separate strand, which replaced the idealized a calculated member in the form of direct polymer rod zaschemlёnnym end with the same cross-section along the length. If we assume that the relative change in the distance between adjacent nodes gazostr ^ k tural elements is the average strain foam, it is possible to calculate the stresses acting on the ends of the element, and further averaged voltage for the corresponding homogeneous alfa tech india foam.
A more detailed consideration of the particular strands of work does not change the overall picture of the nature of their deformation, and therefore is not a fundamental problem in the set. Quantitative alfa tech india calculation compression diagrams I, 3, 4 types of lung homogeneous elastic foam was made by us / 160 / method using the elastic parameters
Expression (4.3) is a generalized formula diagrams alfa tech india compression homogeneous foams, taking into account the influence of the separate properties of the polymer as the base (taking into account the elastic modulus of the polymer base) and deformability properties of the actual cellular structure (taking alfa tech india into account the rest of the formula 4.3). The inspection revealed a number of cases, a satisfactory agreement between the results of calculation of the experimental data for flexible foams and foam type penopolivinilhlorida / 160 /. However, the real system polymer foams are often more complex and therefore require a more detailed analysis, alfa tech india
Assume that the foam is not uniform and has REPAIRED "ing spectrum allocation stiffness layers of the sample. Takei cause nonuniformity distribution coefficient can be shaped bands of cells in layers on the bulk density distribution of heterogeneity of the polymer elastic modulus and the like of the base. E., That is not essential from the viewpoint of the problem. In this case, compressing the sample in the supercritical region is the weakest first compressed layer is then successively stiffer material layers. Experimentally, it is observed alfa tech india often / I /.
Since the compressive stress for all layers of the sample will be the same, and the deformation of the sample is added from the strain of each layer, the chart compression inhomogeneous foam can be expressed as: r '-r-
Values b'i in (4.4) for each homogeneous layer expressed by the formula alfa tech india (4.3), but is determined by heterogeneity foam (range of distribution layers I / t stiffness).
Draw diagrams of numerical calculation of inhomogeneous compression foam as an example of flexible polyurethane foam-75 apparent density = 45 kg / m3. Numerical solution of equation (4.3) for such a uniform layer of foam in reduced coordinates
Substituting computed from the histogram in Figure 4.3 in

Saturday, November 22, 2014

As compression clouds and growth what is saturated steam of its density gravitational force stronge

The idea of the formation of stars from the rarefied interstellar matter was discussed Newton (1643-1727), but make sure it is finally allowed to justice astronomical observations in the second half of XX century. what is saturated steam With the help of infrared and radio telescopes what is saturated steam were not only found suitable clouds of interstellar gas, but managed to see to it that these clouds become unstable and are compressed by gravity, since its transformation into a star. It turned out that immediately prior to the compression temperature of the gas in the depths of such clouds what is saturated steam is only 10-30 K, and sometimes even 3-5 K, then there is the coldest objects in the Universe. They consist mainly of hydrogen molecules and helium atoms. Other chemical elements are present in small numbers and are concentrated mainly in dust particles of about 0.1 microns. Although the "interstellar standards" what is saturated steam these clouds are considered very dense, by earthly what is saturated steam standards, they are very sparse: the average distance between the dust particles of a few meters, and in 1 m of gas is present about 2 billion molecules, which is 10 16 times less than in air at normal conditions. Therefore, the gas-dust nebula from which 5 billion years ago formed the Sun was about 10 million times greater what is saturated steam than the size of our modern luminaries. Although the terrestrial habit we call the field of interstellar gas concentration "clouds", it should be understood that in their behavior they are significantly different from the usual for us, atmospheric clouds. For example, what is saturated steam ground floating clouds in the atmosphere, because their density is practically the same as that of the ambient air and clouds in interstellar hundred times denser medium between moving and therefore orbits in galactic as individual objects, almost like a star. But the main difference between the atmospheric and interstellar clouds - in their mass: in interstellar clouds, it reaches millions of solar masses, making gravity important factor in their evolution. Small clouds for some time able to withstand the force of gravity. But accidentally colliding and merging with each other, they increase their mass, and with it - the role of gravity.
Began to shrink under its own gravity, the cloud can no longer return to the original state of equilibrium. The fact that a decrease in the size of the cloud (R) the force of gravity (GM / R 2) is growing much faster than the opposing force her gas pressure (P). The reason for this is very effective cooling substances: all the heat released when the compression is leaving the cloud in the form of infrared what is saturated steam radiation dust. However, when compressing cloud becomes less transparent to radiation, because the number of absorbing particles in the beam path increases (ρR ~ M / R 2). But while the cloud is not reached very high density at which the infrared quanta difficult to leave it, it keeps the temperature almost constant and very low point - just a few degrees Kelvin. Therefore, the pressure gradient (the buoyancy force) is growing rather slowly (P / R ~ ρT / R ~ ρ 4/3), and the weight of a volume element of the cloud increases noticeably faster (ρΜ / R 2 ~ ρ 5/3).
As compression clouds and growth what is saturated steam of its density gravitational force stronger dominates the force of the gas pressure. For this reason, the rate of contraction is continuously increasing clouds, and about half a million years, its size is reduced to a thousand times. The volume of the cloud while decreasing a billion times, and as many times increases the average gas density. Due to the fact that the compression proceeds nonuniformly, what is saturated steam the density of the most rapidly growing areas in the central. This leads to the fact that exactly in the center of the cloud material what is saturated steam becomes opaque to infrared radiation, and this greatly reduces the effectiveness of cooling. Central regions what is saturated steam are beginning what is saturated steam to heat up quickly and the pressure of the gas inside what is saturated steam them begins to grow much faster than before, slowing compression. Soon the pressure becomes so great that the compression what is saturated steam at all stops and inside the cloud formed hydrostatic equilibrium core - the germ stars whose mass is only a few percent of the mass of clouds. Outside the core gas remains transparent to infrared radiation and continues to free fall almost to the center. Compresses the cloud within which formed the core of the equilibrium is called a protostar.
Falling at a rate of several kilometers per second gas shell encounters what is saturated steam a stationary core material and sharply decelerated down to a complete stop. Thus, the kinetic energy is converted into heat, which is about 50% goes into heating the gas, and the remainder is emitted to the outside. Initially, this radiation consists of infrared photons, but as rasut mass of the nucleus and its temperature, the emission spectrum of an increasing number of visible

Monday, November 17, 2014


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Sunday, November 16, 2014

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

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Friday, November 14, 2014

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014


* TEE19 ...
* SUBLIMINALone "DAILY SNAP ... .." "Dirty Decibel147" "DJ CRONOSFADER" "OCHO" "R $ K BLOG" "SHUHEI" A-1STORE BLOG "* SUBLIMINALone RADIOSHOW !! (PODOMATIC) KNZW CASPER (SKATE) DELTAFORCE (CAR ) EPOCHZ (CLOTHING) HONEY (USED CLOTHING) HWZNBROSS (BIKE) MANIER (CLUB) SKANDA (CLOTHING) KNZW PEEPS * HIP HOP JUNKIEEEEEEEEEES !!! * Ishikawa RAP Committee rhyme (HIPHOP CREW) NYC 212MAG am (after midnight) DEADLINE DJ MIHOKO NYC OUTSIDE the PREFECTURE Common Mag (SENDAI) Lafayette (YOKOHAMA) SCRIBE ART WORKS (MIE) SHAPES STORE (SENDAI) warmer drawer TOKYO A-1 STORE AEVIL LABELS Chief Hypenotize Inspector BLOG / * A-1 DJ SARASA warmer drawer aka Silverboombox GROWAROUND LEGALIZE-TOKYO RMNPRODUCTION SOUTHPAW-CHOP T19 SKATEBOARDS Archives 2014 年 11 月 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 2012 December November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August warmer drawer 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October warmer drawer 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 2010 November October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009

Monday, November 10, 2014

January 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening today I want to tell you the hat of NEW YORK ( ω ) and made in USA, largely written "NEW YORK HATCO" Desu~tsu Tama Plaza store, but I'm a little steam table thermodynamics often hat for adults ... also I have put popular brand of the hat to this kind Young! steam table thermodynamics ! From the hat ... hunting. Come and have also handled such as boater work cap in casket! Worring We are looking forward to welcoming please ne of everyone steam table thermodynamics came to see actually
Store name: MAOZI Tama plaza terrace shop phone number: 045-904-3933 items: about 1500 points Item Category: [manager greeting] Hello! This time I will be in Kanagawa district's first store opening. In Tama Plaza shop I am aiming to shops where you can enjoy the feel free to hat. We think that the - I hope I could little fun the Life Style by hat. Hat is the favorite steam table thermodynamics person of course, without hesitation in that no I want to please visit us is who I one person that was wearing, please put you cry. staff Everyone look good on you, I will find you the only hat you !!! [store PR] Ladies steam table thermodynamics and gentlemen, we have kept you waiting. MAOZI is Kanagawa's first store opening! ! ! Denentoshi steam table thermodynamics is Tama Plaza Station steam table thermodynamics direct connection of the Sentret more easy to shop. In the store to match the atmosphere of Tama Plaza, steam table thermodynamics it is a shop that it is possible steam table thermodynamics to realize the customers of each lifestyle. "Place to fulfill you. Please visit us Maozu Tama plaza terrace shop "by all means. [Store blog] MAOZI Official Picks by MAOZI Akita Forus shop, Sendai Izumi Park Town TAPIO stores and Lara Garden Nagamachi shop Inter Village Utsunomiya-ion Mall Kawaguchi Maekawa shop Picks by MAOZI LaLaport Shinmisato shop Kinshicho Terumina stores and Mimamisunamachi shopping center SUNAMO stores and Tama plaza terrace stores and LaLaport Iwata shop-ion Town Tsu Shiroyama shop soylista Higashiyama shop-IonmoruTakanohara store, Yodobashi Umeda-ion Mall Sakai Kitahanada shop Picks by MAOZI Namba Parks Store Grand Front Osaka shop Hiroshima Kannon Marina hop shop Bag Store Hiroshima Kannon Marina hop shop MAOZI Canal OPA shop
Hat shop MAOZI Tama "KnitWits also this year."
September 2013
May 2012
January 2011

November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 04 May 03 May 02 May

SMOOTHY baseball cap 3800 HATCO cap that has been designed for baseball cap young generation using the ~ HATCO body silhouette front that are gaining popularity in Asia as well as the United States and Europe embroidery becomes 3D embroidery masu You can choose from 6 colors SIZE with the original sticker density of steam comes with Nante will do Itcho pre (> _ <) Well cut Choi and ~ size that I was wearing in shion kun Today 52cm, you can feel the air that somehow Akimei from yesterday It is perfect to remove skills density of steam of that do you think styling and Can you girl is cute even wearing choose from two sizes of 54cm. . . Since still hot to say and I am waiting to put it on !!! visit your of everyone ~ I please come and visit us in VEHCICA to please breather Good luck everyone your job from tomorrow the care in physical condition density of steam to natsuki
DENIM & DUNGAREE Go to hollywood Groovy colors swapmeet market WAFFLISH WAFFLE Bori bon GEEWHIZ Vlas Blomme CERASUS ayame unruly Lee amabro bolabola SMOOTHY DEVISE FACTORY Midi Umi Ordinary fits TINA and SUSIE THE FACTORY akala ono EZPZ AODRESS
> Kaname mom or .. by vehcica18 at 12:30 shoes immediately to wear the next day line .. by Kaname Mom at 20:12> Kaname moms co .. by vehcica18 at 19:39 today Ojama was (.. by Kaname Mom at 22:37> Kaname moms back .. by vehcica18 density of steam at 21:31> Kaname moms I .. by vehcica18 at 18:46> Yamada-san always .. by vehcica18 at 16:29> density of steam Yamada your reply .. by vehcica18 at 15:20> Yamada Ohayo .. by vehcica18 at 11:50> Yamada crowded to the .. by vehcica18 at 13:00
November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 04 May 03 May 02 May January 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 December 2013 2013 November 10 May 09 May 08 May 07 May 06 May 05 May 04 May 03 May 02 May 01 May 12 May November 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March February 2012 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 2011 October 09 November August 2011 2011
1 New new 2 Long time no see !!!!! 3 new ~ !!!!!! .. 4 wafflish w .. 5 wafflish w .. 6 new & recommended 7 new brand s .. 8 ORDINARY F. . 9 fashionable lag 10 cozy recommended ..

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Staff / NEW YORK HATCO. ꥫϷ ҥ 塼 衼 ϥåȡ ǹ

August 2011 (6) July 2011 (7) June 2011 (13) May 2011 (13) April 2011 (13) March 2011 (16) February 2011 (18) January 2011 (11) December 2010 (23) November 2010 (17) October 2010 (19) September 2010 (20) August 2010 (21) July 2010 (28) June 2010 (36) May 2010 (21) April 2010 (23) March 2010 (20) February 2010 (16) January 2010 (18) December 2009 (13) November 2009 (20) October 2009 (15) September 2009 (25) August 2009 (40) July 2009 (28) June 2009 (22) May 2009 (30) April 2009 (29) March 2009 (42) February 2009 (60) January 2009 (32) December 2008 (1)
Staff / NEW YORK HATCO. ꥫϷ ҥ 塼 衼 ϥåȡ ǹ' ҥ ɤȤưƤ ޤ ƤϤϤ ڡ ѡϥåȡ'ʤ ä ᥤɥ USAġ äȤ ޤ ĥФ Υݡ ѥ פ UK 롼 ɤ ԥå Ǥ û ѥ ԥ Ĥ 碌 ƤΡ 뤤 Ǥ

Saturday, November 8, 2014

embroidery cap made

- And [you] wholesale is available in production than snap back cap 12 points. <HATCO SNAPBACK CAP all 26 colors>
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Friday, November 7, 2014

2014N11 (0) 2013N11 (3) 2013N10 (7) 2013N9 (9) 2013N8 (7) 2013N7 steam tables online (18) 2013 N6 (

[ZOZOTOWN {t @ o 勉 bVʔTCg ZOZOVILLA nCGht @ BV ʔTCg ZOZOOUTLET AEgbgʔTCg ZOZOUSED uhÒZNg Vbv ZOZOMARKET ڂ fUCi [, } [Pbg ꗗ VAC eꗗ JeSꗗ Vbvꗗ uhꗗ VR [fBl [gꗗ gsbNXꗗ ド LO
HATCO fBgpx {[{X [LBV J [ A6FWJŃoG [VLxIII SMOOTHỸx [X {[S 3DhJŎ { II x [ V b N Ȍ` ł Ƃ f ނ L b v O ɒ X ^ C | C g A N Z g Ƀs b ^ A C e ł I I I SMOOTHY I W i T C Y X e b J [ \ Ă ŁA ǂ I I coɓ \ 蒼 ǂII ɔ ǂ B R ɃA W Ă Ă KEYWORDF x [X {[LBV HATCO ngR iwi x [VbN Rgi0j
2014N11 (0) 2013N11 (3) 2013N10 (7) 2013N9 (9) 2013N8 (7) 2013N7 steam tables online (18) 2013 N6 (15) 2013N5 (9) 2013N4 (11) 2013N3 (8) 2013N2 (26) 2013N1 (24) 2012N12 (15) 2012N11 (33) 2012N10 (31) 2012N9 (37) 2012N8 steam tables online (20) 2012N7 (21) 2012N6 ( 25) 2012N5 (1) y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
2 smoothy Good! L

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Barkat dinner my food plate with three things: one, (Vkte) Sahar eat and where to eat curry. Gijha

Three-way and three-way disease is medicine, disease, blood, and mucus from Sfra, shaving blood drugs, drugs and drugs Sfra bath walk mucus. Prvrdigar did not produce any disease but it also created his medication, Siwaye death. Gijha the time when the desire to eat and when to eat then stop Gijha hand to rest anyway. God whose side he is close to the best and most beloved food go hand. (Eat dinner) eat devil's way of a finger, two fingers for eating Mutakbberin (Gmndion) and three fingers for eating the way of Paghmberon way. Eat cold food and hot food that is not Barkat. Take off shoes at lunchtime Gijha that will relieve your feet and it is a favorite way. Eat food with servants and Inkesari Twajhon this way, which is to eat with the servants of his mushtaq is heaven. Food market is battered and Napasndida way. Momin home Afrad who liked the food he eats and the food he Kiklata Afrad Munafikh home who likes himself. Gijhaon Mukhtlif on Dastrkwan not eat together. Five Things in life will be my Siret. Hell eat the meal, mule riding, goat milking, Adna dressing, to salute the children of the demos becomes Siret. Eat the food you eat on Dastrkwan Take part in our front, and upper tween Barkat is eating and eating any of you as not preventable my food plate and there's even all Afrad Dastrkwan set to go up through the stand before others my food plate and to stop eating their hands would be a Srmindgi.
Barkat dinner my food plate with three things: one, (Vkte) Sahar eat and where to eat curry. Gijha remaining in the pot if the account is Astghfar dishes for her. Anyone who eats pieces fallen on Dastrkwan, my food plate remains alive until the enlargement of Rosie and the child s haraam