I put this on my blog more or less cross-disciplinary views on world affairs physicist, photographer, writer and information eläkeläisvaarin angle. Stories similarities to real events and people are intentional, but random. Mainly duke faunabeheer texts are in English, but you might find some in English. Finders Keepers, Loosers Weepers!
Many of my friends is a delicate and expensive hobbies. One of the sails, the other has its own plane, and the third practice of English cars. Is special about these hobbies doing it, that they use non-SI units. What's more, the finer the hobby.
Traveling by car is a friend duke faunabeheer of mine in his car, of course, in miles, as well as speed and distance driven viewing. Car's fuel consumption, he shall inform the unit of miles per gallon, remembering, of course, to enlighten listeners by the fact there is not an English jenkkigallona. duke faunabeheer
Flying and flown by my friends a lot in common. As the distance traveled in nautical duke faunabeheer miles and the notification of the speed in knots. The flight height is simply no self-respecting pilot can inform other than feet. The flight to the license do not think heruisi if the mistake to use meters or kilometers. Changing the temperature from Celsius and Fahrenheit count of degrees of of every continental European and Anglo-saksisen between the worlds of jets from the core areas of expertise.
Sailing is the most fun hobbies. Changing the nodes to SI units would generate computational problems, so adherence to all the time in the right marine and aviation units are the safest. There will not be so easily karahdettua aground.
Nodes and feet must be the pilot of the spine, in order to concentrate duke faunabeheer on the essentials. Keeping the machine in the air and, above all, down to a controlled input. In sum. Exotic and especially in the SI units of non-use of the common people to distinguish great hobbies hobbies. What's more lowbrow is out of the snowman real amateur stuff, so the finer hobby.
Nothing is eternal. Airplane in the instrument cluster may be present, as well as farenheiteina the temperature duke faunabeheer in Celsius. Speeds duke faunabeheer are still just in knots and miles per hour. Something limit, duke faunabeheer after all. But why settle for the traditional fine units? Enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts between the fence could well be increased by the introduction of new exotic, but the number of available units. This list of good candidates. The volume of the unit boisseau is French and all the French are a priori good. Boisseau is the French equivalent of the Anglo-saksiselle bushel, which in turn is a flexible duke faunabeheer unit in the sense that it varies in different locations, such as a gallon. Also, as the second is sufficiently monitulkinnallinen length of the unit, as its value varies depending on the place and date. The origin is French, however, duke faunabeheer before duke faunabeheer the French Revolution. If you tell menopelisi consuming five hundred Boisseau another, then you will probably get time to quickly leave Jonninen fiddling technical matters are asking moukista. At least they do not have a clue what consumer really is. Furman is a corner unit. Kulmiahan needed for flying, as well as the sailing. Furman is one of 1/65536 parts of a full circle. When you ask someone to turn a hobby vihkiytymätön 16 furmani a 384, then you probably will go round the lip. Maximum can not reveal their ignorance by asking that it somehow relates to a psychiatrist Ben Furman. Good in terms of areas and difficult to piece together a suitable unit is used in Canada, Prince Edward Island. If someone asks a sailor, how much of this has been sailing in the summer, so the answer to "Prince duke faunabeheer Edward duke faunabeheer Island area the size of the" drop questioner definitely on the map. In this context, the unit is good in the sense that a ship flying my friend's wife is a native of the island just for that. Prince Edward Island non-tasamitallinen multiple is Siberia, which is two French. In my youth politically incorrect joke above was associated with a unit of the ULB. It's when it was time to go to East German duke faunabeheer average, put the radio on, when the announcer talking about the next party secretary Walter ULB (richtin). When this man to go over younger readers, we will give another duke faunabeheer good time unit. It's a click, or 1.2 minutes. It is used in a familiar fantasy comics IDW world. Do not ask me any more. A good unit is also pain, or pain. The calibration is based on the expert's own feelings of pain and the findings of the observer. The pain scale, the zero point of these pastimes would be off the price of gasoline familiar with the pain threshold. Enthusiast, this threshold is pretty high. These probably duke faunabeheer reaches the top. Good lightly used in accordance with the non-standard units have a world full of. Among them, only to be set. PS. If you already