Friday, October 17, 2014

Tat Yueng The wet with water waterfall waterfalls McFadden and van as the highest waterfall in Laos

Southern Laos Pakse Li Ghost Khone Falls of Niagara Asian toilet Pha Tat Tat Tat Duong Van Phan Don Joepmaster tribal pictures, video, South Laos Tour Pakse Khonephapheng LeePhee PhaSuam Tad Yeang Tad Phan Photo video.
Tat Yueng The wet with water waterfall waterfalls McFadden and van as the highest waterfall in Laos ... a tad farther to the left side of the van, Southern Laos 2 - Toilet Pha Tat Tat Ripley's Tour of software. Duong Van Tat Tat 2 Conventional toilets. Tat Yueng Tat van departs from your hotel 7.00 breakfast that Champasak Palace, which is the same as your house happened to be a buffet was the head of about 45,000. Restaurant that election many flavors available. Noodles were But the menu is like scrambled eggs (omelette), but I eat a good breakfast buffet, chandi heffner duke the Champasak Palace. I finished it off to the marigold, which is the biggest market in Pakse. Is the attraction Outside the building is like a fresh morning. To sell an agricultural product The fresh vegetables (very cheap) and fruits, meat, fish, frogs, insects, there are a lot of people who come to buy. And tourists Marigold is the most modern shopping center market in Pakse build a single storey building. Thailand is divided into blocks like a shopping center. But there is no air Area near the entrance to selling expensive. The Gold, Silver Decorations are made with the most money. The things that some stores 2-3 odds. But the silver Or mixed, it must see itself as shops will have notes of hoof new place to redeem all prices will redeem chandi heffner duke each of the second edition, he did not say it about 1 Baht per 200 kip I exchanged a letter each time. less than 40 baht would be walks into an appliance. Office Supplies and mobile sales. Both the original and copies. Or of a quality brand, China is still the price. But if it's cheaper to buy in Thailand would be entered as toys. Fashion accessories, cosmetics and clothes were folded towel or blanket fabrics from China will be walking around and around and then went back to the car to travel to a tad of fabric chandi heffner duke together. It was 9 o'clock departure than to travel east of Pakse. Follow route flap 13,16E who are going to KM., 21 Ore Village, turn left onto Highway No. 20, about 13 km., It will reach the junction into Park City sits. Since leaving Pak The road is much higher because it is based in Bologna Convention plateau through the orchard with the Asiatic garden. Durian Girl Guides say The Lao eat durian Only the child held until ripe. Responsible for any kind of meat that had fallen from the tree. Not eating meat is still frozen like us. He eats fresh or not

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