Monday, February 17, 2014

In us, as this nature that we are part of the process of growth and maturation occurs in layers, wh

The East and spring direction within the wisdom of the Four Directions and the Medicine Wheel symbolizes and brings about early teachings or restarts, a certain future prospects and continuation of life.
The output of winter, while charging a submission, makes room for a new beginning, or resumption return ... Are the initials of a budding movement that come with Spring: the new foliage and flowers, with all its exuberance of shapes, colors and smells, turn to emerge in the body of Mother Earth ... and east direction, brings us the first light of Grandfather Sun, allowing alfatec gmbh us to illuminate our hearts and ways to understand the process we are in our journey of personal growth.
In us, as this nature that we are part of the process of growth and maturation occurs in layers, where each round is completed, marks the completion of something or someone for us to enable the emergence of other layers loaded futures alfatec gmbh potential.
This process through time, there are always parties and places in us, who for some reason are stuck at some immature, living precariously and preventing us from finishing what it takes to let appear lit (a), or what that (a) you want to form and grow in their own way of beauty and wisdom.
In our next Healing Ceremony, the work being done is supported in these key lessons that the East direction brings us: The ability to put light, look and welcome these impoverished and immature parts of ourselves, allowing us to understand alfatec gmbh and overcome our various forms of ignorance and intolerance;
Speak and hear our truths suffered from these parts of us, consciously and recognize, in which the time of our growth story, alfatec gmbh we made a detour, going away from our power to love.
Fees: $ 600.00 for anyone staying in the cottages for 2 people or $ 540.00 for rooms for up to 4 people ... These prices include accommodation, all meals and materials work.
Registrations: Must be submitted until 10/09, upon deposit-reserve of 50% of the above values. Vacancies are filled according to the order of registration, because we have a limited number of places. 8 people are in shared rooms and 5 cottages for 2 people.
Find paths to a cure with medicines earth in building learning to mature in our presence worldwide process, becoming more active in the care of our immaturity and moving toward forming a life according to our real desires.
The Wheel of the Ages is a system of reading and orientation that can be made for each year of our journey of growth and maturation. This system is inside another large native alfatec gmbh system of Native Americans, the Medicine Wheel. To make your wheel ages just get in touch and schedule -
Beto Teixeira's Body Therapist for 23 years, trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. He is a researcher and collaborator at the Laboratory of the Formative Process in São Paulo, where she studies and develops work in the past 11 years. Over the past 10 years, has served alfatec gmbh patients and groups both in Brazil and in Europe (Belgium, alfatec gmbh France and Germany) alfatec gmbh began his training alfatec gmbh in shamanism and experiences in 1992 with a focus on native medicines of North and South. He studied and worked with Foster alfatec gmbh Perry, Down Eagle Woman, Joe Duarte, Sthan Xannia with the Indians Kariri Xoco, Katukinas among others. It is a recognized and authorized by different shamans who have worked to make healing ceremonies and medicines work the land (native) curator. View my complete profile
2013 (2) September (1) Healing Ceremony Spring - Temaskal and Ayauas ... January (1) 2012 (12) October (1) January (1) July (2) June (3) May (5)

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