Tuesday, April 1, 2014

* Teams MultiSplit: one or more outdoor units and multiple indoor units I would point out to you th

There are different alternatives to heat buildings. viscosity of water calculator One is the heat pump capable of providing cold air or hot air. In this post, I will try to explain what it is and how a pump system air-air heat, and then the inverter system and vrv works.
These systems are based on the operation viscosity of water calculator of a conventional air conditioner. viscosity of water calculator Surely you will have heard the word coolant, and will have related to a car air conditioner, refrigerator, etc.. But you may ask how can produce cold refrigerant?.
To understand this, the refrigerant is a fluid that has the ability to absorb heat at a low pressure and low temperature, and transferring it to high pressure and high temperature. To do this, we need that fluid has special characteristics. One (among viscosity of water calculator many) is that is has a boiling temperature (change from liquid to gas) very low. Then, to get an idea, boiling temperatures (at atmospheric pressure) of different elements are indicated: We imagine that the fluid is enclosed in a pipe circuit (copper), and is brought into contact with the environment is to cool; the coolant will begin to absorb heat and (low boiling) will easily viscosity of water calculator evaporate, thus, which is in contact with that part of the circuit will be cold. Therefore, the refrigerant is absorbing heat at low temperature and low pressure, changing from liquid to gas. This part of the circuit is called EVAPORADOR. It is necessary to transfer the heat absorbed by the refrigerant. For this purpose, the gas exits the evaporator at low pressure. It is necessary that the gas pressure and temperature are high for change of state to the liquid, using the compressor. Once you get to raise the pressure and temperature, the cooling should become liquid, ie condensed. This state change is made in the CAPACITOR, giving the absorbed heat to the environment. To restart the cycle, it is necessary that the cooling liquid at high pressure, decreases. To this end, prior to EVAPORADOR, is sandwiched an expansion valve. In the following animation, you will see more graphically, with refrigerant R134A
To facilitate the process of evaporation and condensation, drafts are used by fans, who are really accelerate evaporation providing the required air flow. Similarly, a fan is included in the condenser to release heat. In summary, it is necessary to establish the idea that the pipes in a closed circuit flows a REFRIGERANTE absorbing heat in the evaporator (cold zone), and transfers heat to the condenser (hot zone) If you want to dig deeper and understand in more visual, shown below a very interesting video, which explains clearly all these concepts. viscosity of water calculator
WHAT ARE THE HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS? As seen above, we can provide cool air to a unit in a building where the indoor unit is located. The heat pump can reverse the refrigerant cycle, which provides heat in winter (inside computer act of condensing unit and evaporator unit outside) and summer bring cold (inside team would act evaporator unit and outdoor condensing unit). The / s unit / s outer / compressor is incorporated
* Teams MultiSplit: one or more outdoor units and multiple indoor units I would point out to you that all these systems are usually referred to Energy Certification software viscosity of water calculator DIRECT EXPANSION SYSTEMS UniCorner or multizone. In this infographic with domestic, is comprised viscosity of water calculator of visual form:
There are many models of indoor viscosity of water calculator and outdoor units, for domestic systems, residential or commercial viscosity of water calculator buildings. We can talk about units like "cassette", ducted units, decorative units, etc.; therefore, a wide variety of products to be heated from a housing, to a hospital. We recommend visiting the websites of the manufacturers, and review the catalogs; them caractesticas multitude of techniques viscosity of water calculator and uses of computers are discovered. WHAT IS THE INVERTER SYSTEM?
As we have seen, for increasing the temperature viscosity of water calculator and pressure refrigerant is needed the existence of a compressor. This important element viscosity of water calculator is the main consumer of electrical energy in a pump system air-air heat. And what manufacturers thought to reduce the energy consumption of these items?. Then acting viscosity of water calculator on the compressor.
In conventional air conditioning systems, the control of ambient temperature is made with a thermostat which operates stopping and starting the equipment, and consequently

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