Thursday, August 14, 2014

Yet in April 2010 swept a request from the table, which aimed at the withdrawal of several food hea

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The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 brought the BP Group worldwide under media fire. Several thousand kilometers north he perpetrated largely unnoticed for years an environmental crime of similar magnitude: The oil sands mining in Alberta, Canada is one of the dirtiest ways to extract oil and one of the fastest growing sources food heaters of greenhouse gas emissions.
In the Gulf of Mexico daily flow of 9.5 million gallons of oil from the well from which BP claims to pumps out 2.3 million. During the same period, the Canadian oil industry pumps about 500 (!) Million gallons of toxic waste in mostly natural cuts. Provide so-called clean techniques such as the solution of the oil by hot water steam pressure mainly the companies a clean slate: Compared to the reduction in open mines environmental degradation in the oil sands areas appear superficially low.
Such in situ - or SAGD methods are much more energy intensive and thus damaging to the climate than other mining methods, explains Christoph von Lieven, oil expert at Greenpeace. The dissolved toxins remain food heaters from the outset in the deep layers of hidden and unseen seep into the groundwater.
While the oil spill in the sea for BP increasingly developed into a real disaster, the environmental and human poisoning is tolerated daily business in Canada. The difference is only the question of damages, because in Canada the civilian population must pay for the damage caused by the unscrupulous Searches for profit maximization.
All just for the oil and billions in profits says Lieven. From Beyond petroleum as the company slogan promises, no trace. BP is involved in one of Canada's largest oil fields, the Husky field to 50 percent and planning an investment of three billion dollars in another refinery in Alberta.
Yet in April 2010 swept a request from the table, which aimed at the withdrawal of several food heaters groups of shareholders from the oil sands business, the directors of BP. The argument: BP stands in environmentally friendly production among the world leaders food heaters in the global comparison and consider the highest environmental standards. That this was a brazen lie, is evident by the oil disaster in the Gulf, says Lieven.
In Canada, BP has an easy game, because the government itself violated its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol. food heaters Canada has cynically decided in June 2010, only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions instead of the announced 74 megatons to ten megatons, reported food heaters by Lieven. The land beyond it one of the most important efforts that are necessary for slowing climate food heaters change.
To avoid environmental food heaters crimes such as in Canada or in the Gulf of Mexico, fossil fuel lobbyists must take responsibility. Greenpeace calls the Stop the oil production from the oil sands. The dependence on fossil or fatal radiant energy sources must be terminated food heaters by the expansion of renewable energy food heaters and greater energy efficiency.
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Greenpeace Energy Environment food heaters Foundation Greenpeace food heaters Greenpeace Magazine / Shop

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