Monday, March 23, 2015

This note is in my opinion aired a double message. On the one hand: we as college hesitant cigarett

Van comes as | Diary of a councilor
Wonderful opening of Councillor Corrie Noom on the evaluation of the WVG transport by Connexxion: "The report is slightly delayed as Connexxion could not provide timely data for September." It's the Connexxion story in a nutshell. The cars drove for the transport of disabled cigarette lighter fan and elderly and do not drive on time and the bus company fails even to the five A-fours reporting on (period January / September 2007) to deliver on time.
This report confirms all frightened cigarette lighter fan expectations. Where according to the contract with the municipality, 95% of all rides must be driven on time (which means people up to 34 (!) Minutes after the agreed time may be picked up), the figures show that Connexxion there last year any month succeeded. The accuracy ranged from 84 to 90%. The Connexxion thereby fails to make clear what rides are canceled, so the actual punctuality percentage is even lower. cigarette lighter fan No wonder cigarette lighter fan that fewer and fewer people were using Connexxion. And it is not surprising that last year became increasingly less complained about the WVG transport, cigarette lighter fan paradoxical as it seems. Many people feel that still complaining does not help.
After the council two years ago pointed a B & W note with plans for high-rise buildings to trash, alderman Piet Keijzer was yesterday defending a new 'deliberation'. My reaction cigarette lighter fan daaop is below:
This note is in my opinion aired a double message. On the one hand: we as college hesitant cigarette lighter fan with new high-rise. But then: we offer as a college three options that allow high-rise throughout Zaanstad, although there are increasing barriers to allow those flats. But even in the most stringent option there is an escape clause. On the outskirts and the protected villages says B & W namely: "For cigarette lighter fan special initiatives within these areas that are so distinctive in terms of function and form, there is an 'escape clause'. On the initiative can be submitted to the college and this will make the choice of whether the initiative will be treated. "That is not possible. I think Zaanstad still not abandoned cigarette lighter fan the slogan 'villages village, city stadser' and in a village you go no flats drop of five layers or more, how distinctive they may be. And in the protected villages and green areas that you do not at all. As protected village called college incidentally the Zaanbocht, which is new to me, while the West Zaanse Kerkbuurt apparently protected village is off, which is also new to me.
The framework is in my opinion much too crude. It offers almost unlimited opportunities to put flats on the South Embankment, to name a few. Along the Zaan banks between Gortershoek and Wormerveer. Or from the Zaanbocht to the church at Church Street. It offers the opportunity to put a high flat at the point of Zaaneiland, something which only a developer is waiting. Already there is fenced with tall buildings next to the Bernhard Bridge as a kind of tribute to the gas tanks that were there. Gas tanks which were undoubtedly useful but hideous, gloomy and heavy polluting. If you still harks back to the past, look what was before that gas tanks on that spot. This is selective shopping cigarette lighter fan in, if not abuse the past. If you still want to be inspired by the Zaanse history, use what was worth in the past and do not focus on the architectural lows.
The Saentower is suddenly sold as a highlight in the Zaanse construction history. That might literally so, thanks to that seventy meters stone and glass on the Ankersmidplein who because of the concrete socialism of the sixties and seventies rose, but not figuratively. The Saentower cigarette lighter fan is so far the most beautiful part of Zaanstad that when you are on top of it at least you do not see the Saentower. It is not for nothing that Sjoerd Soeters that building would have liked to demolish. I also have major objections to the way the Zaankanters should be warm for the high building plans. In the Annex of the Council cigarette lighter fan proposal: "Zaanstad of origin is not a real high-rise city. Citizens should therefore still be included in the process of acceptance and appreciation. "It seems to me little esteem. Like: 'We know what's cigarette lighter fan good for you. For the form, you may, dear citizen, a little say over which flats not you want, but we still end up doing what we think is good for you. " Subservient is different and people take seriously. As the high plan of B & W is now, I do not agree with it. "
I shook his hand and said that while his c

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