Friday, March 20, 2015

While the carnage on Wall Street table top food warmer seemed to know no end, was opened along the

RECENT DISCUSSION 18-03 19:31 Blockupy: party in Frankfurt 11-03 20:03 The letter table top food warmer of AIPAC ... uhh the US Senate to Iran 08-03 18:52 oneee, another measles outbreak in a vaccinated community 27- 02 16:45 Obama's first official war 26-02 15:21 That damned Greeks table top food warmer (3) 15-02 02:31 MH17 and the Research Council: what it says meaningless
NOW ANOTHER POPULAR Blockupy: table top food warmer party in Frankfurt (60) Climate custom, do not believe the hype (24) Paypal: sales were from Cuba = road access (8) MH17 is solved! And more fat shit :) (7) No 72 virgins but a bunch of grapes to plop Muslims (7) Not cholesterol but the medication makes you break (3)
"The world will not be the same as for" Black September ". Also in Europe table top food warmer will reduce economic growth and employment. The United States will look to shrink their status as world superpower in the financial system and the dollar will lose its meaning. "Said a distressed German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, right one from the right side of the political spectrum, even spoke of the "moralization of capitalism" and called speculators "the new terrorists." Uber Capitalism and the globalization of capital flows seem pronounced dead. Nationalization and protectionism perhaps, always a predictable Pavlovian response to crises, the way of the future. But while the "credit crunch" this week mainly claimed the stage, played behind the scenes another piece. The emancipation of second- and third-world countries and the emergence of the "multi-polar" world. Unfortunately for the neoliberals and neoconservatives: history is what defibrillation after restart.
Colonization is the last stage of capitalism, followed by the collapse of the empire. In 2008, cracks the empire "the United States". It is for all sides under pressure. Two billion dollar wars, the continuing attacks on the "imperial" dollar, the dependence on foreign energy, the few reliable alliances with multinationals, the elimination of export production by globalization and the enormous debt that has built up the country.
The credit crisis, and the solutions to the crisis, characterized almost as "the last trick" of those who have benefited the most from the American capitalist system. Everyone, rich or poor, the same standard table top food warmer of living through debt. And those debts then neatly packaged as AAA-rated investment resell. Goes wrong, then we ask for taxpayer money. By that time, the macroeconomic effects already such that the middle class as the snow is melting and the underclass booming. The "Paulson package", the 700 billion of taxpayers' money and the destruction of the Trias Politica table top food warmer in the US, for whom a little table top food warmer about it, not a solution. It is the final selection of the vault before the police arrive. Or evil people.
Coincidence or not, it is the people who have just been lobbying for regulation of the US banking sector to reverse (Glass-Steagall Act) who are now behind the Paulson plan (Phil Gramm). The intentions of the Paulson plan is not the "moralization" of capitalism, which Sarkozy probably an advance on what we can expect in Europe is calling, but simply shift capital. The underlying structural problem, schrotbeleggingsproducten and off-balance sheet accounting by banks, is not addressed. It is therefore particularly striking table top food warmer that the republicans, obviously inspired by the upcoming elections, correct calls only "state guarantees" to hand out and the banks make themselves secure from third parties for their "scrap".
Additional problem of Paulson and his $ 700 billion table top food warmer "bail out": since the state will fund this, with all the consequences for the national debt, will US government table top food warmer bonds and thus the dollar came under pressure. News that in countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Japan and here in Europe, not exactly with cheers table top food warmer will be received. The dollar with its eternal inflation, wealth tax of US empire will fall further in value. The world must again unfilled, for the United States.
While the carnage on Wall Street table top food warmer seemed to know no end, was opened along the East River, the UN National Assembly, ushering in the new working year for the United Nations, which traditionally hold several world leaders speeches table top food warmer to the delegates. Even George table top food warmer W. Bush gave a speech this year but the words of the American president, who managed to get almost a standing ovation in 2002, in 2008 sounded hollow and meaningless. Bush went there again on international terrorism, rogue on Iran, Darfur and international security. Granted, Bush had little luck with his place in the program, maa

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