Since 2011, under the auspices of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) launched an international project DIAROD, named for the first letters of the full name -Determining Invasiveness And Risk Of Dothistroma (Definition invaziynosti and risk of dotistromy), dedicated to the study of invasive needle causative agent of many kinds conifers in Europe (DothistromaNeedleBlight)
The project involved 91 of the 32 member countries. On the Ukrainian side project involves crown (d.s.h.n., profesorV.L. Meshkov) DSLO "Shidlisozahyst" (KV k.s.h.n. Davydenko), the National Forestry University of Ukraine ( Dr. I. Matsiakh) .Diyalnist project is divided into 4 working groups. Task One - the study of pathogen and disease, the second group is to determine the influence of environmental factors and forest management on the disease, the third examines the host plant, their stability and susceptibility to pathogens, and the fourth summarizes the findings of the first three groups, spreading knowledge of and dotistromatoza spryye distribution lists publications and advisers for forest owners and users regarding diagnosis of disease prevention measures for its distribution.
14-15 October 2013 at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) was the first meeting of the working alphatec holdings group that studies the presence and intensity distribution dotistromoza in European countries, creates a database of these issues; explores genetic diversity dotistromyz using microsatellite technology andcreates appropriate maps.
The meeting took place in the oldest housing the University of Copenhagen, which is odnymiz oldest universities in Northern Europe and the largest alphatec holdings educational and research ustanovoyuDaniyi. The university consists of approximately 100 institutes, departments, laboratories, training centers and muzeyiv.U naradivzyaly representatives of 15 countries. Ukraine predstavlyalyK.V. Davydenko and I. Matsiakh. Each participant gave information on his workwith vyvchennyadotistromatozau country and get new data from monitoring alphatec holdings the disease.
Dotistromatoz or spotting red needles are economically important disease of conifer plantations in Europe, USA, Canada alphatec holdings and so on. The disease is caused alphatec holdings by fungal pathogens two - Dothistroma septosporum and Dothistroma pini. The disease affects pine needles pine, spruce, larch and fir, causing premature falling of needles and reduce the rate of tree growth. Signs of the disease is the appearance on the red needles of previous years (or close shades) and its cross rysochok falling.
In Ukraine, the massive development dotistromatoza identified in the South in 2004-2005, a large area of plantations Crimean alphatec holdings pine (Pinus nigra sbsp.pallasiana). Over the past few years dotistromatozavyyavlyaly symptoms on a pine krymskiyusemy areas in the south and east of Ukraine, signs of desiccation dotistromatoznoho also found in exotic alphatec holdings coniferous trees in private gardens and parks.
Yes, Svetlana Markov (Lithuania) spoke about the spread dotistromy in Lithuania and the use of different methods for assessing the prevalence, intensity, alphatec holdings degree of zahvoryuvannya.Neyu applied database for invasive species (BINPAS), which allows to assess the impact of the object studied environmental ie in this case, the pine plantations. The name of this database comes from the initial letters -BiologicalInvasionImpact / BiopollutionAssessmentSystem. Using this database may be on different invasive species alphatec holdings and available at The impact alphatec holdings of the pest evaluated alphatec holdings scores of 0 to 4, where 0 - no effect, 1 - weak, 2 - medium, 3 - strong, alphatec holdings 4 - negative to destruction.
Faith Tomesheva (Czech Republic) said on identification, monitoring dotistromatoza distribution in the Czech Republic. Thus, a group of scientists at the University of Mendel (Brno, Czech Republic) has created a map and database of the online application form data model tree needles list of specified diseases, such as D. pini, D. septosporum, Lecanostictaacicola, Sphaeropsis sapinea etc. Scientists have identified the disease in the Czech Republic dotistromoyu 27 species of pine and spruce 4 types. All database was used to map alphatec holdings
In this regard, the chairman of the working group of the method of creating thematic maps spread dotistromy in some countries, and database format with indication of whether a scientist who collected the data, geographic coordinates of the data collection dates observational characteristics of forage species alphatec holdings and spaces, species identified pathogens needles, damage other factors, age of the affected needles, pathogen identification method (molecular or morphological) of the disease (low, medium or high). alphatec holdings
It was decided that it would be responsible for the representatives of the Czech Republic (Vera Tomesheva) and Estonia (ReynDrenkan). To address the issue of genetic