Saturday, January 31, 2015

The project involved 91 of the 32 member countries. On the Ukrainian side project involves crown (d

Since 2011, under the auspices of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) launched an international project DIAROD, named for the first letters of the full name -Determining Invasiveness And Risk Of Dothistroma (Definition invaziynosti and risk of dotistromy), dedicated to the study of invasive needle causative agent of many kinds conifers in Europe (DothistromaNeedleBlight)
The project involved 91 of the 32 member countries. On the Ukrainian side project involves crown (d.s.h.n., profesorV.L. Meshkov) DSLO "Shidlisozahyst" (KV k.s.h.n. Davydenko), the National Forestry University of Ukraine ( Dr. I. Matsiakh) .Diyalnist project is divided into 4 working groups. Task One - the study of pathogen and disease, the second group is to determine the influence of environmental factors and forest management on the disease, the third examines the host plant, their stability and susceptibility to pathogens, and the fourth summarizes the findings of the first three groups, spreading knowledge of and dotistromatoza spryye distribution lists publications and advisers for forest owners and users regarding diagnosis of disease prevention measures for its distribution.
14-15 October 2013 at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) was the first meeting of the working alphatec holdings group that studies the presence and intensity distribution dotistromoza in European countries, creates a database of these issues; explores genetic diversity dotistromyz using microsatellite technology andcreates appropriate maps.
The meeting took place in the oldest housing the University of Copenhagen, which is odnymiz oldest universities in Northern Europe and the largest alphatec holdings educational and research ustanovoyuDaniyi. The university consists of approximately 100 institutes, departments, laboratories, training centers and muzeyiv.U naradivzyaly representatives of 15 countries. Ukraine predstavlyalyK.V. Davydenko and I. Matsiakh. Each participant gave information on his workwith vyvchennyadotistromatozau country and get new data from monitoring alphatec holdings the disease.
Dotistromatoz or spotting red needles are economically important disease of conifer plantations in Europe, USA, Canada alphatec holdings and so on. The disease is caused alphatec holdings by fungal pathogens two - Dothistroma septosporum and Dothistroma pini. The disease affects pine needles pine, spruce, larch and fir, causing premature falling of needles and reduce the rate of tree growth. Signs of the disease is the appearance on the red needles of previous years (or close shades) and its cross rysochok falling.
In Ukraine, the massive development dotistromatoza identified in the South in 2004-2005, a large area of plantations Crimean alphatec holdings pine (Pinus nigra sbsp.pallasiana). Over the past few years dotistromatozavyyavlyaly symptoms on a pine krymskiyusemy areas in the south and east of Ukraine, signs of desiccation dotistromatoznoho also found in exotic alphatec holdings coniferous trees in private gardens and parks.
Yes, Svetlana Markov (Lithuania) spoke about the spread dotistromy in Lithuania and the use of different methods for assessing the prevalence, intensity, alphatec holdings degree of zahvoryuvannya.Neyu applied database for invasive species (BINPAS), which allows to assess the impact of the object studied environmental ie in this case, the pine plantations. The name of this database comes from the initial letters -BiologicalInvasionImpact / BiopollutionAssessmentSystem. Using this database may be on different invasive species alphatec holdings and available at The impact alphatec holdings of the pest evaluated alphatec holdings scores of 0 to 4, where 0 - no effect, 1 - weak, 2 - medium, 3 - strong, alphatec holdings 4 - negative to destruction.
Faith Tomesheva (Czech Republic) said on identification, monitoring dotistromatoza distribution in the Czech Republic. Thus, a group of scientists at the University of Mendel (Brno, Czech Republic) has created a map and database of the online application form data model tree needles list of specified diseases, such as D. pini, D. septosporum, Lecanostictaacicola, Sphaeropsis sapinea etc. Scientists have identified the disease in the Czech Republic dotistromoyu 27 species of pine and spruce 4 types. All database was used to map alphatec holdings
In this regard, the chairman of the working group of the method of creating thematic maps spread dotistromy in some countries, and database format with indication of whether a scientist who collected the data, geographic coordinates of the data collection dates observational characteristics of forage species alphatec holdings and spaces, species identified pathogens needles, damage other factors, age of the affected needles, pathogen identification method (molecular or morphological) of the disease (low, medium or high). alphatec holdings
It was decided that it would be responsible for the representatives of the Czech Republic (Vera Tomesheva) and Estonia (ReynDrenkan). To address the issue of genetic

Friday, January 30, 2015

In West Germany, a key element of the plan was to transfer economic focus from large - for small an

In the second group of countries in the postwar period began to apply management techniques borrowed download ps5 from the Soviet Union. Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Finland, England, impressed economic "success" of the Soviet Union in the pre-war and war years, introduced economic planning, nationalization, government pricing and exchange rates, the distribution of credit between enterprises.
In the minds of Europeans also affect distribution in 1930-1950's ideas Fabian socialism: a combination of private ownership of the means of production from centralized state planning division download ps5 of production and finance. Among the supporters of this theory was a prominent download ps5 economist J. Keynes.
Such political and economic dizziness was short-lived in West Germany, where in 1953 began market reforms. In France and Italy, dizziness lasted until the 1970s, download ps5 Finland and Sweden - to 1992-1993. Japan began to change in 1949, Korea and other "tigers" - in 1960-1970 years.
In West Germany, a key element of the plan was to transfer economic focus from large - for small and medium businesses. It is in this lay reform Ludwig Erhard, called the transition to a social market economy. Most European countries have followed Bonn, although some are more relied on large enterprises. download ps5
In Japan, the government has supported the competition, but gave up its deployment in agriculture, banking, download ps5 telecommunications and trade. State patronage these industries was borrowed from Japanese other countries, except Hong Kong and Singapore. download ps5 Small businesses found support everywhere.
Does Ukraine such conversion? Until recently, the country remained at their initial stage, but now there is a serious retreat back. The government does not respect the competition and maintain monopoly. There is a battle for monopoly rents and small businesses to the state - not just an extra burden, but also a political enemy.
Second, in continental European countries in the 1960s began with the release of pricing under administrative pressure. Later canceled Institute of Social and budget price subsidization of unprofitable enterprises. Have been introduced penalties enterprise monopoly abuse.
In South-East Asia have expanded the use of free prices in most sectors, except energy, metallurgy, mining. In particular, in Japan, Korea and Taiwan government download ps5 price controls here and there is now.
In Ukraine bureaucratic pricing that meets the interests of monopoly-producers, is the essence of the current pricing. Third, the scope was narrowed budgetary redistribution of financial economics.
Prior to the reforms in Germany and France it exceeded 50%. Now the rate in Western countries is 30-35% of GDP. To achieve this were primarily reduced taxes on corporate profits and individuals. In France, they had reached 60 in Sweden - 90%.
Feature of fiscal and tax changes in Japan and the Asian "tigers" was the minimization of taxation. In Hong Kong and Singapore income tax is 3-5%, and the ratio of budget and national income - 20-25%.
In Sweden, the budget financing companies, including private, was greater than in the USSR. After the Second World War, the Swedes download ps5 decided to replace its reasonably efficient capitalism in the so-called Swedish model of socialism.
Since then, loans and investment firms began offering no banks or other market agents, and budget. The money did not go to the new field, and to prevent the bankruptcy of the old factories and firing download ps5 workers.
Interestingly, the banks were lending uploaded families for housing and purchase of durable goods. Deposits of the population were minimal, and debts to credit institutions - huge. In business - on the contrary. That is, banks artificially increased funds human consumption, not production.
Swedish economic model consistent moral criteria and what a lot of ordinary people on an equitable distribution of national wealth download ps5 among people, but completely contrary to the laws of the market system.
People in Sweden were not interested in income from work, because access to the benefits given bank loans. The principle is the fact that the redistribution of social download ps5 capital led to no movement and structural modernization of production, and the preservation of old industries and enterprises. It was not until 1982, until the thunder struck, the economy fell into a deep crisis of falling production, price inflation, 15 per cent budget deficit and a 13 percent unemployment rate. The country took another decade to realize rejecting a particular model of socialism.
In another done in the East, where state funded enterprises and banks. In Japan in 1950-1960 years worked with the state fund long-term investments, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade planned download ps5 development industry. South Korea has continued to this

Problem. Information technology facilitates paperless process management expertise. It is properly

Archiving of electronic documents: organizational aspect | Science Blog
Abstract. hfec The article hfec is devoted to the urgent issues of our time, such as: specific storage of electronic documents hfec and storing documents in electronic archives. The article analyzes the organization of archiving hfec electronic documents in modern times.
The article deals with actual nowadays issues such as: the specify of saving of e- documentation and archives. In article the organization of electronic documentation saving on the current period of time was analyzed.
Problem. Information technology facilitates paperless process management expertise. It is properly hfec organized electronic document management in the organization and let you combine the information that facilitates hfec its analysis and reporting. All this is possible only in the control system, hfec based on fully electronic document. One of the main stages of the electronic document hfec is archiving of electronic hfec documents. The system of electronic document archiving can help create a new organizational culture hfec in the organization, making employees work easier, interesting and meaningful. That is why the efficiency of enterprises and organizations, not least dependent on correct hfec operational problem solving and quality formation archiving of electronic documents, monitoring their performance and thought out of their storage, retrieval and use. Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of Electronic Document Management in the organization to deal with the present state of both Russian and Ukrainian scientists, in particular: GG Aseev, MP Bobylev, hfec VM Borkus, G. Vitino, MV Larin, A. Matvienko, V. Tikhonov, JF Yushin. Yes, the director VNIIDAD (All-Russian scientific institute yssledovatelskyy dokumentovedenyya and arhyvnoho Cases) MV Larin dealing normative and methodological regulation of Electronic Document. JF JF Tikhonov and Yushin focus on the study of the preservation of electronic documents in the enterprise. VM Borkus concerned with adapting foreign experience implementing electronic document to the domestic hfec market. Archival preservation of documents involved: JF Serhazyn, SD Pichkevych, K. Seliverstov, Z. Krayskaya, JS Kalakura. The purpose and objectives of the study. The article aims to study the mechanisms of creation and archiving of electronic documents, namely hfec organizational stage. To achieve the goal the following objectives: - based on an analysis of scientific literature hfec to clarify the concept of "archive", "electronic document", "archiving" and "electronic archive"; - Identify the factors and conditions necessary archiving electronic documents in the institution; - Clarify the role of archival storage of electronic documents. Statement of the basic material. Ukraine's accession to a common information space and intensive development of information and communication technologies have led to a rapid accumulation of documents hfec and information resources of digital media. Therefore, before archivists faced the problem of this type of storage media and digital archive. Therefore, it begins with the collection, storage, processing and understanding information. Every year in the government and the organization more relevant are the creation, organization and functioning of archives of electronic documents. Guarantee the success of the organization is always effective work of employees. Reliable storage of large amounts of information, of course, is an important requirement for electronic storage. But even more important is the optimization of user interaction with a repository of information. In this regard, Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server is a unique software hfec tool (see. Fig. 1). Available collaboration of documents provides a wide range of tools for processing stored information. The joint use of electronic records and storage media allows you to organize and combine information that makes it easy to analyze and report [4, p. 69]. Fig. 1. Structure of archiving electronic information system of electronic records and document management can help to establish a new organizational culture in government by making workers work more easy, interesting and meaningful. Work with electronic documents - creating conditions that provide the necessary documentation storage of information, hfec its fast search speed and moving performance as well as providing opportunities for all kinds of work with documents since its receipt or the destruction or transfer to the archive - is only work cycle and an important factor in organizational management activities [5, p. 324] Law of Ukraine "On electronic documents and electronic document" on 22.05.2003. Governed hfec by organizational and legal basis for the use of

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Foresters followed the entire production process of creating forest from seedlings to mature forest

Artificial reproduction of forests is an important and priority tasks in the work of foresters. Shaping the future of high-performance spaces - long process. Long and difficult is the way of the one-year seedlings to mature highly forests. It is important, and properly prepared soil condition and quality of seedlings and planting timeliness, professionalism of staff ...
Vinnitsa foresters have experience growing forests of the future, who willingly share with fellow foresters Ukraine. This time a two-day working beverage heater visit to vinnichan visited the chief forester state forestries Ukraine undergoing training courses in Boyarka, in "Ukrtsentrkadrylis."
With fellow beverage heater foresters met head Vinnitsa Forestry and Hunting Administration Anatoly beverage heater Bondar Omelyanovych. There was a substantive discussion on many issues of forest management not only presented beverage heater in, and also in the regions whence came the participants, the chief forester State Forestry. A. Cooper well acquainted with the work of forest eco-educational center of Vinnitsa region. Two days worked away at the SE "Vinnitsa forestry", "Illintsi forestry" Vinnitsa Forest Research Station. Experience in growing high oak shared directors and chief foresters state forestries Popelnyuk VV Ilchenko EV, caps VV, VV Palchenko
In Vinnitsa region where oak groves make up 79% of the area of forest beverage heater land - the best conditions beverage heater for growing oak. This time the guests toured the progeny beverage heater of Vinnitsa, Pribuzhskoye, Hnivanskoho, Turbov, Illinetskyi forestry, recreational point Michael Forestry Enterprise "Vinnitsa LH".
Workshop participants learned about the technology of cleaning, lighting, uneven stands, selection felling trees at a checkpoint during thinning, beverage heater were on permanent beverage heater sample plots by thinning, selective felling search sites on the Swedish method inspected oak plantations aged 61 to 100 years, elite-seed complex oak and larch highly-oak forest plantations in Turbov, acquainted with the work of Vinnitsa Forest Research Station.
Quite interesting and productive work is done on our forest research station, which gave details of its director Wasilewski OG .. Lisonasinnyevyy complex oak began to be established here in 1971. In rozkorchovanyh groves created plantations laid podvoynyh beverage heater culture oak late fenoformy the deployment 5x5 and 10x10.
In the quarter 40 Turbov oak forest, beverage heater founded in 1947, is divided into 5 sections intensity liquefaction. Here, participants were convinced of the benefits of artificial growing conditions present in oak. Almost at his natural weight loss ponovnenni beverage heater raw land inefficiently used.
Foresters followed the entire production process of creating forest from seedlings to mature forest. Especially important are thinning the forest in young animals, without which there may grow and form highly oak stands. In conducting thinning the forest improves quality and species composition beverage heater of vegetation preserved and enhanced beverage heater environmental, aesthetic beverage heater and other properties of the forest increases its stability by causing a reduction of the growing technically ripe wood.
In the first years after the establishment of forest plantations, landing seedlings from the nursery next to the care of forest cultures conducted initial thinning in young animals. This - the light that the second decade - cleaning. beverage heater In light stands are formed desired composition and abundance of the main species, according to the specific site conditions and appointment created stand.
It achieved the main goal - during the lighting to bring the number of trees planted beverage heater oak to 5 thousand. Units per 1 ha, Cleaning beverage heater - 3.5 thousand. Pc., Which makes it possible to form a high-selective sampling stands.
Important beverage heater in the Vinnytsia Foresters is a collaboration with the Department of Forestry Training - Research beverage heater Institute of Forestry and Landscape - Architecture NUBiP Ukraine. To increase the biological stability and performance spaces Vinnytsia foresters led by Chief VOULMH Cooper AO conduct ongoing research work. Theoretical principles and methods for creating and growing high-piece oak forest featuring exotic and native forest species in terms of central Ukraine. Conducted thorough research has shown that most performance spaces reach while placing seats 2h0,5, 3h0,5, 4h0,5 meters. In such schemes landing opportunity is sufficient to identify promising tree (the tree of the future) and to farm for a high-quality wood.
Guests examined forest plantations in SE &

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Learning the language of a professional field always starts on the basis of a limited number of ter

Derivational explorational model of English computer vocabulary terms to describe categories of business computing and electronic commerce (the material of computer online-dictionary webopedia) | Science Blog
Extremely rapid progress of information and communication technologies leads to dynamic development and constant updating of computer vocabulary. There is plenty of terminological units related to electronics, special words and expressions to describe various explorational concepts explorational and actions performed by the user computer. At the present time it is impossible to deny the obvious fact of computerization of various fields of knowledge (business, education, medicine, etc.). The interaction of different sectors blurs the boundaries between their terminological explorational systems and their intersection, new terminological units equally inherent both sectors (eg, e-store, e-business, digital wallet, Cyber Monday, accounting software, Biz Talk Server , online broker as related to the field of business and information technology to the field). Accordingly, explorational in a widespread use of computer specialists from different fields, a select number of names to describe the hardware and software explorational computer actions performed while working with him, and concepts arising from the interaction of various information technology sectors must not only possess limited circle of specialists, computer geeks, but also any user PC. To help in this is just terminology.
We can say that the world adopted a joint Computer Terminology [7, 65]. In conducting its analysis as part of the vocabulary of different languages is evident that most of enrichment at the expense of borrowing of English lexical units (CPU - Eng., Processor - rus., Processor - Eng., Prozessor - it., Processeur - fr .; antivirus program - Eng., antyvyrusnaya Programs explorational - rus., anti-virus program - Eng., Antivirusprogramm - it., le programme antiviral - fr .; hacker - Eng., a hacker - rus., hacker - Eng., Hacker - German etc.). This can be attributed primarily to the fact that today the global electronics market is leading English manufacturers of computing and applications. In addition, English is gaining popularity still hid, which often leads to the fact that some words are replaced explorational by English-speaking language borrowings that are fixed in the lexical system (eg, manager, explorational marketer, speaker, impeachment, etc.). [7, 65].
So important explorational in fact turns out to analyze the English computer explorational terminology widely use in business. Accordingly, explorational the purpose of this article is to study this terminology. Achieving this goal involves the following tasks:
Terminology is a relatively young branch of linguistics explorational that is actively growing, the object of study which mainly is possible. The terms are based on linguistic substratum - words and phrases nominative plan relating to a particular natural language. explorational These links are multifaceted. Yes, LI Bozhko believes explorational that "most of the speed of change and scientific and technical vocabulary make it possible to identify common patterns of speech, less visible in the lexicon of popular because of the lower speed of its development" [7, 107].
Problems of terminology, namely, explorational the essential characteristics of the term, engaged in such linguists as RG Piotrowski, IR Halperin, NV Ivanov, MP Kocherhan, AE Levitsky. Diachronic study conducted terminology OV Feld (Borhvaldt), AV Barandeyevym, MA Britsyna, AM Shilovskaya, VV Veselytskym. The problems of industry terminology is dedicated PV Vesolova, explorational VI Orphans (technical terminology), IF Protchenko (sports terminology), VI Carabao (scientific and technical terminology), SV Mocherny, PG Zelensky and AP Zelenskaya (economic terminology). Discourse term aspects of VM studies Lejčik. Cognitive direction terminology developed by EI Kalmykov, explorational LA Vvedenskaya, explorational PP Chervinsky, MN Volodin, T. Podkolzina, SL Myshlanova, ND Burvikova, VG Notes on. Terminology studied TL Kandelaki, EP Stemkovska, GV Alikayeva [7, 108].
Because the terminology studied in various aspects of such a wide range of researchers, explorational there are many interpretations of the concept of "time". In this study, we will aim to determine MP Kocherhan "period (from Lat. Terminus" border, the border ") - a special word or phrase that is an accurate depiction of the concepts of a field of science" [3, 220].
Learning the language of a professional field always starts on the basis of a limited number of terms - terminology ad hoc (lat. "This"). Material basis of the research was the timing subcategories Business Computing and Electronic Commerce Computer dictionary online-webopedia. As the amount of data comprise 427 subcategories terminological units.
Among the studied terminological units make up the largest group reduction. As a result of the reduction unit replaced

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

organization of regular meetings,

Expert survey in the decision-making in regional tourism management | Science Blog
The article attempts to review the expert survey as a method of decision-making and its specificity in regional government tourism activity. Special attention is paid to the theoretical and practical foundations of the expert survey. Under the influence of democratic transformations in modern terms is a gradual reduction velata warmers of state regulation of various aspects velata warmers of social life, but the system of decision-making state-remain relatively dynamic. However, according to the most general trends of social development, it should improve and promote the information society, the development of which must be made through:
organization of regular meetings, "round tables" velata warmers video with senior government officials, leaders of political parties to discuss and address the development of information society in Ukraine;
creating conditions for independence and pluralism of the media, as well as their involvement in discussions on development of the information society [1]. It is of great importance proximity of decision-making velata warmers to the citizens, which requires coordination of forward and backward linkages of public authorities and the community velata warmers business organizations especially at the regional level.
In a democracy, the state, in addition to purely administrative effort required targeted public opinion, relying velata warmers on her ability to systematically carry out regular, velata warmers two-way communication with the public. A special group of the public are experts in a particular field of public relations, such as regional tourism. It is therefore particularly important is to determine the theoretical and practical foundations velata warmers of the expert survey in regional tourism management. Analyzing recent research and publications, it is advisable to determine what strategic issues and theoretical and methodological foundations of activities velata warmers of state and local government in the modern scientific space concerned: SP Malashchuk, GS Odintsova, VD Bakumenko, A. A. Dyehtar, VS Taraban et al., Development of basic methodological principles of decision-making and participation in the community members and businesses involved: OG Puhkkhal, EP Kushnariov, VI Bordenyuk, SA Moskalenko and more. To determine the role of government in the formation of civil society and the development of information space turning: VP Nightingale, S. females, G. Mashkarov, MO Shybenyuk and others. The issue of improving the efficiency velata warmers of state / regional and local government through decentralization of public administration suite V. Kovalchuk, N. Mironov and other scientists. Issues of state regulation of tourism address: OB Vasilev, V. Alexeeva, VI Valentyuk, LI Davydenko and more. Expertise (BG Litvak) in public administration and their value in the study of the major areas of social policy at the regional level involved velata warmers in VB Dzendzyuk and OA Kotukov and other scientists. However, velata warmers fundamental practical recommendations or develop the specific methodology for making management decisions based on expert evaluation system for regional tourism management does not currently exist. The purpose of the study is determination of the specificity velata warmers of expert surveys, including surveys, a decision-making system in regional tourism management. Today most complete definition of "expert" takes BG Litvak: expert - a specialist in a particular field or in the field of control that it has sufficient knowledge and experience, analyze incoming information, and provides expertise in property assessment velata warmers within its competence, which has used in a particular area of technology, evaluates the possibility of their use in specific managerial situations and provides appropriate recommendations and opinions and is responsible for those findings and recommendations [2, p. 31]. Expert opinion polls - is the most common and indispensable way to get expert information on a specific field of public relations. This method is widely used not only among social scientists, but also among employees of public velata warmers administration. The specificity of the expert survey in the regional tourism management is that interviewing a number of individuals velata warmers and gathered their subjective opinion researcher with a special research techniques and procedures is informed about a situation or problem management. The main technical expertise are: setting goals; Experts forecast; Expected scenario situation; generating alternatives; ranking; appraisal velata warmers system (criteria, scales, velata warmers principles of selection); collective decisions [3, p. 35]. There are two o

Monday, January 26, 2015

Most participants representing forest steam tables online research and educational institutions ste

In Palanga (Lithuania) 10 - September 14 2012 there was a combined conference two working groups IYUFRO 03/07/10 "Methodology supervision in cells forest insects and diseases" and 3.7.06 "Integrated protection of forest insect defoliatoriv." The conference was attended by 64 scientists from 19 countries (Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, USA, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden) . Photo: Participants of the conference
Most participants representing forest steam tables online research and educational institutions steam tables online and centers for forest protection. For example, in New Zealand the risk to forests and trees from pests, pathogens and invasive weeds estimated at Crown Research Institutes in Stsioni (Crown Research Institute Scion), whose activities steam tables online cover plantation, natural and urban forests (K. Volbert).
The meeting steam tables online was opened by the conference organizer R. Vasaytis (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), who welcomed the participants steam tables online and provided general information about the program and organizational issues.
Coordinator of the 7th division IYUFRO "Entomology" F. Libhold steam tables online (Northern Research Station Forest steam tables online Service USA) reported on the objectives and structure IYUFRO - the only international organization which is devoted to research forest. IYUFRO established in 1892 and now brings together 15,000 scientists from 700 organizations from more than 110 countries. Working groups with codes 01.07.00 devoted to the impact of man-made pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems, 02.07.00 steam tables online - Pathology forest 03.07.00 - entomology. Working groups Entomological directly covers the study of pests cones and seeds (03/07/01) haloutvoryuvalnyh insects (7.3.02), insects and diseases in forest nurseries (7.3.04), environmental management and pest populations bark and wood (03.07.05 ), integrated forest protection against insect defoliatoriv (07/03/06) population steam tables online dynamics of forest insects (03/07/07) methodology supervision in cells forest insects and diseases (3.7.10), resistance to insects steam tables online (3.7.11), invasive foreign body species (7.3.12), the biological protection against forest insects and pathogens (03.07.13).
For achievements in forest entomology IYUFRO annually awards the leading scientists of a special award named John. Varley. This award in 2007 received the Swiss entomologist B. Baltensveyler in 2009 W. Mattson (USA), 2010 M. McManus (USA) in 2011. Shafranik L. (Canada). In 2012 at a conference in Palanga IYUFRO award was presented to Academician A. Isaev (Russia). Its activities described Baranchy kov Yu (Institute of Forest, Krasnoyarsk, Russia). A. Isaev - former director of the Institute of Forest (Krasnoyarsk), in 1988 - 1991 led the State Forestry Committee of the USSR, and in 1991 - 2004 - Center for Forest Ecology and performance of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is the author and editor of six to eight books, studying the ecology steam tables online of pests forests of Siberia, the interaction of trees and insects, the issue of remote sensing of forests, developed a model insect population dynamics steam tables online and the theory of mass outbreaks razmnozheny. A. Isaev was organized conferences IYUFRO in Irkutsk (1981), Borjomi (1987) Abakan (1989), Krasnoyarsk (1993). Sixteen of his students defended their dissertations.
The conference heard 36 presentations and 23 posters presented materials on forest entomology, plant pathology and forest steam tables online protection. Their analysis steam tables online shows that in most European countries in various types of pine and oak spread the same foliage browsing insects as in Ukraine (in an oak - lystokrutky and moths, occasionally scoops and gypsy moth on pine - pine moth, pine claim 'yadun, pine sawflies, pine scoop). Their mass reproduction repeated at regular intervals, the frequency, intensity and duration of outbreaks depend steam tables online on site conditions and stand structure. steam tables online The most pleasant for most of the mass razmnozheny foliage browsing insects are lit and sparse areas, particularly on the border with houses, fires, fire lanes. In Ukraine 10 years ago designed scoring areas charm stands for the emergence of major branches of foliage browsing insects (V. Meshkov) and the example of Forestry Research Steppe branch crown (Kherson region.) Powered forecast of potential areas of insect cells hvoyehryziv the changing age structure of forest stands (V. Meshkov, S. Nazarenko).
In Italy, the charm of sites to disseminate original pine moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) indices were determined altitude, exposure, soil moisture, stand structure (K. Salvador et al.).
In Hungary, the last 50 years (1961 - 2011) showed the tendency to increase the area of cells derived oak moth (Thaumetopoea processionea L.), which not only causes defoliation of trees,

Readers will probably have heard on television and on billboards seen such phrase as

Woods is still the vast majority - vlastist nation state property. But the debate goes: Do not pass them all in private hands - say, private owner more efficient. In dyskusiyyi on the effectiveness of private and public owners are extremely cm101 fun helpful and interesting cm101 fun next article, although the direction of the forest and it does not touch. Oleg November.
Readers will probably have heard on television and on billboards seen such phrase as "European socialism". I will be surprised that this concept is more ideological than economic, and if it appears in economics, in the analysis of economic cm101 fun life, not economic models. Suffice it to mention that some Arab countries in the 1970s also built the "Arab socialism," which was laid in the same plane with the "European socialism" and was a political cm101 fun movement that rejected the foundations of materialism.
However, the very notion of "socialism" in today's global economy better attributed to socio-political system rather than an economic concept. And above all, the fact that the economic fundamentals of the theory cm101 fun of scientific socialism developed in the nineteenth century ideologues cm101 fun and were based on the postulate of the incompatibility of socialism with commodity-money relations, and modern European economic model (including Swedish) use economic concepts cm101 fun neoclassical synthesis, based on the need of commodity-money relations cm101 fun that economically evolve today. Therefore, it appears that "socialism" - a socio-political system, which countries cm101 fun are trying to achieve through building cm101 fun a specific economic model.
If you ask a Ukrainian supporters of "European socialism" of how economically they rozbudovuvatymut a political and social order, it is likely you can hear only one thing: everything is fairly rich pay more, poor, respectively - less! Or to socialism - because capitalism with a human face. Whether on state regulation of market relations and objections unmanaged cm101 fun market. With all this we can agree, but the economy is little more than statements of declarative character! It would therefore cm101 fun be interesting to talk about the economic foundations of "socialism" cm101 fun in some European countries.
At the word "Scandinavian socialism" once an association with "Swedish socialism." However, I would like to begin consideration of the economic model of Norway, as socialists, representing Labour Party, formed the first socialist government still 1928, the very first of the Nordic countries. Speaking of the ruling coalition in Norway, the Labour Party led government in 1971-1972, 1973-1981, 1986-1989, 1990-1997, 2000-2001, 2005-2009 with, and from 2009 to present. In many cases it is due to the country's Workers' cm101 fun Party was established welfare state - a state where the form of government is a constitutional monarchy!
Some say that all socialism Norway - a profit of energy. However, it should be noted and such. First, socialism is not an end in Norway nor in 1986 nor in 1993 or 1998, when the global economic situation did not promote cm101 fun the sale of oil, not curled in 2008-2009, when the EU suffered from the global financial crisis and Norway has invested in the global cm101 fun economy during the crisis years, nearly $ 200 billion. Second, cm101 fun the idea of a mixed economy, the ruling Labour Party began to implement when oil and gas deposits not exploited across a major national income, based on fishing was fishing. Therefore socialization super-profits from the sale of energy in the world market - is not the basis of the economic model, and the consequences of the process of socialization of the economy as a natural resource for the benefit of all Norwegians, not just selected is happening now in Ukraine.
Of course, these profits, which now receives nearly 5 million Norwegians to open in 1989. Ekofisk oil field, they were not. However, the level of social awareness Norway pointed to the economy more than the same income on energy. For some reason, none of the governments of Norway, and in the King Harald V, not any desire, even during the crisis period for the oil and gas industry, privatize the industry!
Today Norwegian FEC system based on state ownership and active state regulation. It is state-owned companies in the late 1960s began search and gas exploration and development started their own, without the involvement of outside investors and maintaining control over the following years for the country's fuel resources through public companies involved in exploration and production license system, the practice of awarding government share in each field, and through further socialization taxes and fees. And if briefly

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The worst scores in rating was governor of Sumy region Yuri Chmyr. The region ranked 27th for the f

RED articles, poyavyvshyesya with a three day interval and RED protyvopolozhnыe otsenki. Boris Klimchuk one in Troika better, by a Troika Another hudshyh ... ??? Or for six months failed region All can be something? MP
Long skeptical as we treat different ratings - in sports, politics or business, they always attract our attention. For this emotion and adrenaline, something exciting and gambling. Is no exception and this year's ranking of governors that he published in September all-popular weekly "Comments"
Note that some had expected low position it Volyn Governor Boris Klimchuk, because our region or to industrial giants are not owned nor wages not impressive, and the share of the population living in Volhynia is small. However, looking ahead, skeptics and pessimists disappoint: RSA chairman Boris Klimchuk not just one of the three leaders, he improved his position over the previous rating. party food warmers A gap in our region of Chernivtsi, headed party food warmers by Michael Pope, is not that significant. Moreover, for some indicators we come.
This applies, in particular, the dynamics of retail and fertility. It is worth noting that the birth rate may have would be the main criterion of the region, for which it is necessary to assess the performance of local authorities, because it is better for any economic benefits indicates positive social mood, a sense of security and confidence in the future. Another French philosopher and writer XVIII century, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, describing the signs, which can be defined as "good or bad run people" vyokremlyuvav party food warmers criterion of the number of people and its growth is fertility.
If you do not dive into the depths of philosophy, the leadership of our region of birth is justified, little can be called regions where the local authorities so hard dealing with health and above all - mother and child. It is in Lutsk hospital party food warmers tends to get a lot of women with neighboring party food warmers areas, and the construction of perinatal center in an interview in 2010, Boris Klimchuk called "object 1 in the coming years." Because, according to presidential initiatives "Children - the future of Ukraine", the state responsible approach to the formation of small individual from birth to ensure places in pre-school and special education.
Equally important criterion for regional development is the growth of retail trade turnover. By this measure Volyn region was ninth in the country in the first quarter of this year, and the results for the entire first half was on the first position. This dynamic, experts say, show an increase in real incomes, as well as the original consumer optimism. It provides substantial party food warmers retail push for development of local SMEs, provides financial power of many local producers.
Our region also has one of the lowest carbon footprints. But if a stable ecological situation - the usual situation for Volyn, then that region will be the second party food warmers in the country in terms of growth in real wages, a few years ago, no one wanted. These dramatic changes - also the result party food warmers of consistent policy of the regional party food warmers government and the governor personally Klimchuk. Where persuasion, and where so-called "chain letter" to the owners and managers, he gradually pushed businesses to increase wages, removing them from the economic shadows. party food warmers Gradually formal calculation and payment of wages were the norm, and the notorious salary in an envelope - unfortunate exception to the rule.
No doubt soon appear in print new ratings, officials and politicians activity measured by other indicators and criteria. Such public race - it's not just a game, not just entertainment for the layman. Very often these ratings reflect actual results management efforts. No news for Volyn too that the name of our head of regional state administration should party food warmers not look at the bottom of the rankings. party food warmers
The outcome of the first half of the five worst regions of Ukraine signed Transcarpathian, Kherson, Volyn, Lviv and Sumy. This is evidenced by a combined rating based Cabinet of Ministers party food warmers of Ukraine, which have "Comments".
The worst scores in rating was governor of Sumy region Yuri Chmyr. The region ranked 27th for the failure in areas such as public finance, the development of the consumer market and the labor market. Lviv Governor Victor Shemchuk was in second place from the end. He "secured" the region lagging economic indicators.

In Sweden (Malmo) 3 to September 8, 2013 the international conference

In Sweden (Malmo) 3 to September 8, 2013 the international conference "Boundaries Research drying Fraxinus within the project of European Cooperation on Science and Technology (COST) Action FP1103 drying Fraxinus in Europe: development strategy advisers and sustainable forest management" (FRAXBACK).
The conference in Malmo was attended by over 100 scientists from more than 30 countries in Europe, from Ukraine temazcalli - Head of the Laboratory of Forest Protection crown, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor temazcalli VL Meshkov and chief microbiologist DSLO "Shidlisozahyst" candidate. agricultural KV Science Davydenko. In previous years, foresters have been znepokoyeni spread of diseases of hardwoods - Dutch elm disease is affected, oak dries under Phytophthora, beech bark disease suffers from (beech chervchykom after damage is affected by the fungus Cryptococcus fagi genus Nectria.). In contrast to these species gums felt rather resistant species. For the first time gum disease ( dieback - literally "dying" in monitoring programs - "peripheral extinction" Ukrainian analogue absent) found in the early 90's. In northeastern Poland and Lithuania. The disease spread temazcalli in Latvia and Estonia, in 2002 in Germany, 2004 - Denmark, Czech Republic, 2005 - Austria, in 2007 - Finland, Hungary, Norway, in 2008 - France, in 2009 - Croatia and Italy, temazcalli in 2010 - Belgium Netherlands. In eastern temazcalli Ukraine confirmed the presence of the disease by molecular methods temazcalli in 2010 (K. Davydenko and colleagues from the Swedish Agricultural University). We can assume that she was on the brink of Poland before, but no documentary evidence. In 2011 the disease was found in 24 European countries in 2013 - 26.
Distribution of gum disease can have significant negative consequences not only for forestry, but also for biodiversity temazcalli conservation because it involves many species of animals, plants and microorganisms. So in Lithuania for 1996-2002 years. Disease temazcalli had affected temazcalli more than 30,000 hectares of plantations, or 60% of the area of ash stands. In 2010, Fraxinus excelsior included in the Red Book of Sweden. Therefore, foresters and nursery owners from different countries, experts in forest protection and conservation and land owners ask: - What happens to ash and why? - Effects of the disease are projected? - Can be grown ash in the future? - You need to do that to keep this ecologically and economically important species? What was known at the beginning of the project? Pathogens identified in 2006 and described as Chalara temazcalli fraxinea. In 2009 it was discovered that C. fraxinea - unsexual this stage ascomycete fungus temazcalli Hymenoscyphus temazcalli albidus. This is surprising, since H. albidus widespread Saprotrophic nutrition and destroyer (destructor) fallen leaves ash. In 2010, after a thorough molecular analysis was proved that the infectious agent is a new kind of Europe, which is described as H. pseudoalbidus. It has been introduced in 2007 in the "alarming temazcalli lists EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) and NAPPO (North American Plant Protection Organization). It is proved that H. pseudoalbidus originating from Japan, where the environment was damage temazcalli native species of ash. The spread of disease from Norway to Italy and east of Ukraine indicates a high level of pathogen adapt to climatic conditions. One of the objectives of the project is to compare the population structure of the pathogen H. pseudoalbidus and close Saprotrophic nutrition H. albidus temazcalli epiphytotics at different stages and in different climatic zones. Another feature of H. pseudoalbidus - the presence of the fungus in different parts of the affected trees - leaves, stalks, buds, bark, wood, roots, where it causes wilting, necrosis, cancer, bleaching wood rot. No other fungus temazcalli does not cause such a large range of symptoms temazcalli in different plant tissues. As the fungus also found in asymptomatic leaves, the question arises whether C. fraxinea Endophyte ash? Then it can act as a pathogen, or Endophyte Saprotrophic nutrition. We suggest that the fungus is Endophyte species of the genus Fraxinus, which grow outside Europe. temazcalli Most European countries, where the signs of gum disease, have their own research programs aimed at: - identifying the origin of disease-H. pseudoalbidus; - Evaluation of its infectivity; - Defining the role of climatic factors that influence temazcalli the development of the disease; - Study the genetic structure of populations and Communication H. pseudoalbidus and H. albidus; - Studying the biology and epidemiology of infectious H. pseudoalbidus; - Development of molecular diagnostic methods of direct pathogen in plant tissues; - Maintenance of loess farms in affected stands of ash; - Assessment of long phytosanitary consequences in the regions of the disease; - Eye

Saturday, January 24, 2015

It Forester was a core issue of forests and implementation of complex forest management in ahrolish

Cabinet instructed the Ministry and the second power bodies yspolnytelnoy Socrates chynovnykov 20% in kazhdogo vedomstve. This was hovorytsya in vыpyske IZ protocol meeting of the Cabinet from March 5.
"The Ministry, second tsentralnыm authorities yspolnytelnoy power bezotlahatelno lodge offers from Mynfynu Reduction of something not less than 20% of employees sootvetstvuyuschyh multitude of organs, as well as on the occasion lymytov cars, kotorыe s obsluzhyvayut" - hovorytsya a tex document kotorыy countertop food warmer Signed Prime Arsenyem Yatsenyuk.
3 March at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a decision here polzovanyya sluzhebnыmy abandon cars in the Ministry. Justice countertop food warmer Minister Paul Smith reported countertop food warmer that the Ministry kazhdoe ostavyt of movement for one car staff. IZ pages cars garage Ministry WILL vыstavlenы bidding on publychnыe control pod public. In particular, Total Quantity scheduled umenshyt cars, kotorыe yspolzuyutsya by Gosudarstvennoye power on morethan 1500 units vsey on the territory countertop food warmer of Ukraine. Yes, tsentralnыh bodies yspolnytelnoy power s multitude umenshytsya edynytsы to 1132, that is the third. In mestnыh hosudarstvennыh Administration Quantity sokratytsya cars at 373 edynytsы Or 15%.
It is sad to hear that during the discussion no mention of the very bottom rung of the sector - forester or, as we call it "the countertop food warmer master of the forest" - ha it is the entire industry. countertop food warmer Over the past few years, so we have "dooptymizuvaly" number in the forest, countertop food warmer 10 -14 rounds we left 5 -7 masters (but increased the number of ITR for vidpysok no relevant information to departments, economists vizhpravlennya for daily svodok countertop food warmer ( they do not save money company) and 70% of accountants with which electrons accounting fallen. During the next optimization in cutting usually forester, because the accountant, economist, forester is someone's wife, rochych, godfather, brother and matchmaker t. e. To date, engaged in planting forest ranger, no full-time employees, and that is one of approximately 10 hectares. Without the slightest hint of funding countertop food warmer this work well when planting material will of forestry. Pidskazhit please how you can cut a year Foresters 4 thousand. cu. m. without countertop food warmer staff, vlastnyh teams, some entrepreneur forester who may never have seen or heard that bring wind, tire chain or gasoline, and cut. We, in Forester steal mortgaged to he collected seeds and planting material grown, planted dohlyanuv (prosapav) bought the saw, gasoline, spare parts, paid for cutting, ennobled border, painted quarterly net and so on. Then you can continue to infinity. Sure would like to managed forestry industry expert, but how many times this person affect the operation forester, countertop food warmer how and how, if not worse. Agency Head, Head of Department, Director, forester "find" easy following positions vacant for a long time not empty, but find true Forester, which kept the production very difficult. And very well when a man in the forest is at least one, preferably two, then the ranger can perform his hands all duties assigned to him. Login or register to post comments
It Forester was a core issue of forests and implementation of complex forest management in ahrolishospah to join their system Derzhlisahenstva. But now it is with foresters began basic "human" genocide by oblupravlin that is loved by Directorate began the process of optimization. No arguments on the need for abandonment in the state forester - last just not perceived. Answer odna- we have the management system, and you (ahrolishospy) joined countertop food warmer us, so will do all that you say and discuss countertop food warmer the appeal and the decision is not subject Directorate.
That's how life goes. To destroy and break not need a lot of crazy, but back everything that was necessary countertop food warmer and beneficial forest industry will hardly play. This applies to positions Forester. You know do not physically in the woods all want, but manage to invent different paper and scribbling that useless and has no forest benefits, there wanting rife.
So the benefits of forest Forester at times more than today on the outcome of any forestry engineer who occupied mainly paperomarannyam not to thy will, through a system of management Derzhliahenstvom created, supported and guarded Directorate. countertop food warmer Login or register to post comments
Before countertop food warmer optimization should clearly decide on objectives. If the goal of building an effective system of state forest, countertop food warmer it was

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The first proposals to reform the governance structure of forest scientists began to arrive inoxtre

The society is waiting and fear. The fear felt by those who themselves must touch the innovative government initiatives. Educators, doctors, government officials fear the withdrawal of state funding entrepreneurs - new tax initiatives, people are afraid of the reduction of social benefits. Pending and concerns are citizens who are associated with forest management. Of particular concern is the fact that the reform process may be involved as inexperienced professionals who do not have the problems of industry and officials are actively trying on a mask and reformers trying to lobby for the interests of those who control the illegal flow of money in the state.
Significantly improve the public inoxtrend perception of reforms open discussion and decision-making consensus among most influential stakeholders. The reality of leakage inoxtrend reforms indicate inoxtrend that many decisions taken in haste and behind closed doors. On the one hand, we understand the power that's hard to overcome resistance to reform, but behind the scenes decisions that enhance resistance only. Therefore, I would like to express their own vision of the key aspects in need of reform in forestry. We hope that our position will contribute to a constructive public dialogue rather inoxtrend than face the acute lack of understanding on the part of government officials.
The structure of forest management strictly centralized. The whole range of public inoxtrend services in the forest now concentrated within a public body - State Forestry Agency, and affiliated institutions with him. Such centralization and rigid vertical chain of command, on the one hand, enabled the industry to avoid total destruction during nayburemnishyh time of our independence. However, on the other hand, for many years, this centralization is a source of corruption and abuse of concentration cash flows shadow around people who are in power. The authority to conclude employment contracts with directors of state forestry enterprises State Forestry Agency head is the short leash, which gave staff the opportunity to use forest enterprises and their resources in any way that pleases the head of the agency (vivid illustration of this thesis is the involvement of forest inoxtrend workers to parliamentary 2012 election).
The first proposals to reform the governance structure of forest scientists began to arrive inoxtrend in 2000. These deals provide both domestic and foreign scientists in international donor projects. Most of them were Ukrainian-Swedish project "Strategic Development Plan for the forest sector of Ukraine", under which experts then State Forestry Committee of Ukraine inoxtrend had the opportunity to do an internship in various European countries, the results of which were published inoxtrend reports and articles in many industry publications.
Proposals to reform the governance inoxtrend structure of domestic and foreign scientists were limited to the embodiment of the principle of distinction and economic control of state functions, introduced Organisation inoxtrend for Economic Cooperation and Development. In particular, experts Ukrainian-Swedish project zaproponovaly unite all state enterprises that have to use performance forests (forest management in which there are profitable), the State forestry company, which has its central office management. In the then State Statistics Committee of Ukraine proposed to insert control and support functions of forestry and forest management inoxtrend function neekspluatatsiynymy (ie those where forestry is unprofitable).
However, if these proposals were not supported by the leadership of the State Forestry Committee of Ukraine. And too, our scientists, who came from similar proposals have experienced pressure to inhibition of these reform initiatives. Today the idea of creating a state forest enterprises enshrined in the coalition agreement between the ruling political parties. However, I would like to have more information on this initiative, as often in such cases, the devil is in the details. Positive feedback deserves item coalition agreement, inoxtrend which declares the separation of the functions of policy and economic and control.
The current tax system of forestry has many disadvantages, the main of which is the inclusion of fees for special use forest resources to the tax system, while it serves as a rent payment lisovlasnyka and should be fully directed to the needs protection and restoration of forest resources. According to the current mechanism for use of resources should be directed local importance in local budgets, then part should be returned to the needs of forestry. However, generally, poor village councils do not return the portion of the amount by

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Step One. Introduction nachos toppings Work and Traval nachos toppings in USA is the most popular a

About work abroad probably heard everything. There are many interesting programs and opportunities. nachos toppings To choose a good program, not get lost in red tape documentation, tune to a long absence at home, we offer an interesting program guide work abroad Work and Traval in USA. Poshahovo we will we will acquaint you with the opportunities peravahamy and requirements of the program. Therefore,
Step One. Introduction nachos toppings Work and Traval nachos toppings in USA is the most popular and famous cultural nachos toppings exchange program for students under the current leadership and support of the US State Department. It enables foreign students to live, travel and work in the United States during the summer holidays, plunge into the cultural environment of America. The program is legal, respectively, in the United States to work on Ukrainian exchange nachos toppings program - too. Benefits 1. A unique opportunity nachos toppings to visit the US, Canada and Mexico 2. Get work experience in a foreign company and earn good money 3. Improve English language in a real environment 4. Get a memorable trip to the US program of work and travel USA (Vork End Travel YuEsEy - Work and travel in the US), this is probably the only opportunity for Ukrainian students for relatively little money to visit the US, so Americans see life for what it really is, perfectly master spoken English, to unforgettable summer and earn the amount nachos toppings of students that are not in Ukraine can dream. The program provides jobs for students in the United States during the summer holidays (3-4 months) nachos toppings and one month for traveling around nachos toppings the country (as well as Canada and Mexico, if desired) and rest. Season of travel and 2012 can be your most memorable summer student life, one has only to decide. Features of 1. A unique opportunity to visit the US, Canada and Mexico 2. Get work experience in a foreign company and earn good money 3. Improve English language in a real environment 4. Get a memorable trip to the US program of work and travel USA (Vork End Travel YuEsEy nachos toppings - Work and Travel nachos toppings in the US), this is probably the only opportunity for Ukrainian nachos toppings students for relatively little money to visit the US, so Americans see life for what it really is, perfectly nachos toppings master spoken English, to unforgettable summer and earn an amount which students in Ukraine can not even dream of. The program provides jobs for students in the United States during the summer holidays (3-4 months) and one month for traveling around the country (as well as Canada and Mexico, if desired) and rest. Season of travel and 2012 can be your most memorable summer student life, one has only to decide.
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