Friday, January 30, 2015

In West Germany, a key element of the plan was to transfer economic focus from large - for small an

In the second group of countries in the postwar period began to apply management techniques borrowed download ps5 from the Soviet Union. Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Finland, England, impressed economic "success" of the Soviet Union in the pre-war and war years, introduced economic planning, nationalization, government pricing and exchange rates, the distribution of credit between enterprises.
In the minds of Europeans also affect distribution in 1930-1950's ideas Fabian socialism: a combination of private ownership of the means of production from centralized state planning division download ps5 of production and finance. Among the supporters of this theory was a prominent download ps5 economist J. Keynes.
Such political and economic dizziness was short-lived in West Germany, where in 1953 began market reforms. In France and Italy, dizziness lasted until the 1970s, download ps5 Finland and Sweden - to 1992-1993. Japan began to change in 1949, Korea and other "tigers" - in 1960-1970 years.
In West Germany, a key element of the plan was to transfer economic focus from large - for small and medium businesses. It is in this lay reform Ludwig Erhard, called the transition to a social market economy. Most European countries have followed Bonn, although some are more relied on large enterprises. download ps5
In Japan, the government has supported the competition, but gave up its deployment in agriculture, banking, download ps5 telecommunications and trade. State patronage these industries was borrowed from Japanese other countries, except Hong Kong and Singapore. download ps5 Small businesses found support everywhere.
Does Ukraine such conversion? Until recently, the country remained at their initial stage, but now there is a serious retreat back. The government does not respect the competition and maintain monopoly. There is a battle for monopoly rents and small businesses to the state - not just an extra burden, but also a political enemy.
Second, in continental European countries in the 1960s began with the release of pricing under administrative pressure. Later canceled Institute of Social and budget price subsidization of unprofitable enterprises. Have been introduced penalties enterprise monopoly abuse.
In South-East Asia have expanded the use of free prices in most sectors, except energy, metallurgy, mining. In particular, in Japan, Korea and Taiwan government download ps5 price controls here and there is now.
In Ukraine bureaucratic pricing that meets the interests of monopoly-producers, is the essence of the current pricing. Third, the scope was narrowed budgetary redistribution of financial economics.
Prior to the reforms in Germany and France it exceeded 50%. Now the rate in Western countries is 30-35% of GDP. To achieve this were primarily reduced taxes on corporate profits and individuals. In France, they had reached 60 in Sweden - 90%.
Feature of fiscal and tax changes in Japan and the Asian "tigers" was the minimization of taxation. In Hong Kong and Singapore income tax is 3-5%, and the ratio of budget and national income - 20-25%.
In Sweden, the budget financing companies, including private, was greater than in the USSR. After the Second World War, the Swedes download ps5 decided to replace its reasonably efficient capitalism in the so-called Swedish model of socialism.
Since then, loans and investment firms began offering no banks or other market agents, and budget. The money did not go to the new field, and to prevent the bankruptcy of the old factories and firing download ps5 workers.
Interestingly, the banks were lending uploaded families for housing and purchase of durable goods. Deposits of the population were minimal, and debts to credit institutions - huge. In business - on the contrary. That is, banks artificially increased funds human consumption, not production.
Swedish economic model consistent moral criteria and what a lot of ordinary people on an equitable distribution of national wealth download ps5 among people, but completely contrary to the laws of the market system.
People in Sweden were not interested in income from work, because access to the benefits given bank loans. The principle is the fact that the redistribution of social download ps5 capital led to no movement and structural modernization of production, and the preservation of old industries and enterprises. It was not until 1982, until the thunder struck, the economy fell into a deep crisis of falling production, price inflation, 15 per cent budget deficit and a 13 percent unemployment rate. The country took another decade to realize rejecting a particular model of socialism.
In another done in the East, where state funded enterprises and banks. In Japan in 1950-1960 years worked with the state fund long-term investments, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade planned download ps5 development industry. South Korea has continued to this

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