Sunday, January 25, 2015

In Sweden (Malmo) 3 to September 8, 2013 the international conference

In Sweden (Malmo) 3 to September 8, 2013 the international conference "Boundaries Research drying Fraxinus within the project of European Cooperation on Science and Technology (COST) Action FP1103 drying Fraxinus in Europe: development strategy advisers and sustainable forest management" (FRAXBACK).
The conference in Malmo was attended by over 100 scientists from more than 30 countries in Europe, from Ukraine temazcalli - Head of the Laboratory of Forest Protection crown, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor temazcalli VL Meshkov and chief microbiologist DSLO "Shidlisozahyst" candidate. agricultural KV Science Davydenko. In previous years, foresters have been znepokoyeni spread of diseases of hardwoods - Dutch elm disease is affected, oak dries under Phytophthora, beech bark disease suffers from (beech chervchykom after damage is affected by the fungus Cryptococcus fagi genus Nectria.). In contrast to these species gums felt rather resistant species. For the first time gum disease ( dieback - literally "dying" in monitoring programs - "peripheral extinction" Ukrainian analogue absent) found in the early 90's. In northeastern Poland and Lithuania. The disease spread temazcalli in Latvia and Estonia, in 2002 in Germany, 2004 - Denmark, Czech Republic, 2005 - Austria, in 2007 - Finland, Hungary, Norway, in 2008 - France, in 2009 - Croatia and Italy, temazcalli in 2010 - Belgium Netherlands. In eastern temazcalli Ukraine confirmed the presence of the disease by molecular methods temazcalli in 2010 (K. Davydenko and colleagues from the Swedish Agricultural University). We can assume that she was on the brink of Poland before, but no documentary evidence. In 2011 the disease was found in 24 European countries in 2013 - 26.
Distribution of gum disease can have significant negative consequences not only for forestry, but also for biodiversity temazcalli conservation because it involves many species of animals, plants and microorganisms. So in Lithuania for 1996-2002 years. Disease temazcalli had affected temazcalli more than 30,000 hectares of plantations, or 60% of the area of ash stands. In 2010, Fraxinus excelsior included in the Red Book of Sweden. Therefore, foresters and nursery owners from different countries, experts in forest protection and conservation and land owners ask: - What happens to ash and why? - Effects of the disease are projected? - Can be grown ash in the future? - You need to do that to keep this ecologically and economically important species? What was known at the beginning of the project? Pathogens identified in 2006 and described as Chalara temazcalli fraxinea. In 2009 it was discovered that C. fraxinea - unsexual this stage ascomycete fungus temazcalli Hymenoscyphus temazcalli albidus. This is surprising, since H. albidus widespread Saprotrophic nutrition and destroyer (destructor) fallen leaves ash. In 2010, after a thorough molecular analysis was proved that the infectious agent is a new kind of Europe, which is described as H. pseudoalbidus. It has been introduced in 2007 in the "alarming temazcalli lists EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) and NAPPO (North American Plant Protection Organization). It is proved that H. pseudoalbidus originating from Japan, where the environment was damage temazcalli native species of ash. The spread of disease from Norway to Italy and east of Ukraine indicates a high level of pathogen adapt to climatic conditions. One of the objectives of the project is to compare the population structure of the pathogen H. pseudoalbidus and close Saprotrophic nutrition H. albidus temazcalli epiphytotics at different stages and in different climatic zones. Another feature of H. pseudoalbidus - the presence of the fungus in different parts of the affected trees - leaves, stalks, buds, bark, wood, roots, where it causes wilting, necrosis, cancer, bleaching wood rot. No other fungus temazcalli does not cause such a large range of symptoms temazcalli in different plant tissues. As the fungus also found in asymptomatic leaves, the question arises whether C. fraxinea Endophyte ash? Then it can act as a pathogen, or Endophyte Saprotrophic nutrition. We suggest that the fungus is Endophyte species of the genus Fraxinus, which grow outside Europe. temazcalli Most European countries, where the signs of gum disease, have their own research programs aimed at: - identifying the origin of disease-H. pseudoalbidus; - Evaluation of its infectivity; - Defining the role of climatic factors that influence temazcalli the development of the disease; - Study the genetic structure of populations and Communication H. pseudoalbidus and H. albidus; - Studying the biology and epidemiology of infectious H. pseudoalbidus; - Development of molecular diagnostic methods of direct pathogen in plant tissues; - Maintenance of loess farms in affected stands of ash; - Assessment of long phytosanitary consequences in the regions of the disease; - Eye

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