Monday, February 16, 2015

It happened that the following occurred right in front of people. rational cpc 101 The stems of pla

The answer rational cpc 101 to the crop circle phenomenon is hidden under the ground
The closer to the end of the summer, the more often manifests itself a phenomenon called "British circles." So-called strange figures formed polegshimi ears. It is no coincidence. In England, they are always greater than elsewhere. So this year, but here already registered 28 "circles". rational cpc 101 A further rational cpc 101 37 have appeared all over the world, have been added to the 11-th of the world combined.
A few decades scientists scratching their heads trying to figure out how to appear drawings? What forces are placed rational cpc 101 ears? Where are they - these forces - come from? Original hypothesis suggests Stanislav Smirnov, an experimental physicist, member of the Russian Geographical Society. In the Middle Ages blamed devils - Circles on grain fields longtime phenomenon, - says the scientist. rational cpc 101 - At a certain engraving 1687 "Devil with a scythe" captured by him. Not being able to explain the different appearance miraculously neat circles, people blamed rational cpc 101 for the damage to the fields evil spirits - devils and witches. Such representations have survived almost to the present day.
Save messages about crop circles that have arisen prior to the 70s of the last century in the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France and other countries. rational cpc 101 But while this rarely happens. And the great public interest did not cause. Resonance began about 40 years ago, when in the English county of Wiltshire and Hampshire circles began to appear frequently. Strangely England still holds the lead in relation to the number of laps. Curiously, the first grains formed a simple circle, polegshie rational cpc 101 clockwise, but later began to emerge following a reverse direction. Since 1986, the rings were observed, first single, and later - multiple. Form patterns are becoming more bizarre and complicated. They began to complement the linear elements. And sometimes instead of a perfect circle appeared ellipticity or ovate. Not only complicates the figures from year to year, but from month to month. If in April and May there were drawings of the primitive shape and small size, the time of harvest, they increase in size. Became bizarre. Around the main figure could be many others.
It happened that the following occurred right in front of people. rational cpc 101 The stems of plants for no apparent reason laid on the ground for a dozen or two seconds. After that observers felt faint gust of wind. Sometimes in the sky at this time or the day before people saw the glowing orbs. Whatever the specific drawing a circle in the stems of cereals duck there were no serious injuries, and the stems were bent only in the lower tribes (nodes). rational cpc 101 Sometimes the stems in a very neat braids cornrows. These - typical - especially rational cpc 101 the fact that the stems were not mechanically damaged and continued to rise following distinguish the real from the fake. There are also missing. Sometimes, the new details of the picture appeared not once, but with a delay of several days. And new details are still not contradict the figure, but as a complement to it in the same style. This is very important. After all of it certainly follows that the formation of circles in no way connected with any mobile active principle: atmospheric vortices electrodischarges ionosphere, aircraft, space aliens, animals. This is only possible if the source of the formation of crop circles - the crust.
In the last century, researchers from the University of Denver USA experimentally observed electromagnetic emission (radiation), created by granite cube pressure rational cpc 101 corresponding to the pressure in the bowels of the earth. Similar experiments were carried out at the time and Russian scientists in Tomsk Polytechnic University on a powerful press SP-500, which could compress the rock samples up to failure. Emissions began to record rational cpc 101 even at low loads. But its level increased rapidly before the destruction of the sample, when he was covered with cracks. Then there were even created instruments that measure the intensity of electromagnetic radiation bowels. They are used in mines to prevent rock bursts. Radiation bowels often accompanies tremors. For example, in China during rational cpc 101 the 1976 earthquake in the sky seen outbreaks of unprecedented brightness. And in some parts of the leaves of trees and garden plants were burned. In Turkey in 1999, just before the earthquake heated sea water. In Canada, just before the main impact rational cpc 101 of elements of earth, covered rational cpc 101 with snow, jumped glowing orbs. All these manifestations of electromagnetic emission subsoil, where there is never calm, if only because that the Earth's crust due to lunar-solar tides several times a day a wave of compression-tension. At the latitude of Moscow - the amplitude of up to half a meter. So, come from the depths of a beam of electromagnetic radiation, which is determined by the constant rational cpc 101 component of the huge static pressure, and variable - tectonic

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