Saturday, April 11, 2015

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Children, when their birthdays, already expect early gather friends and make a party. reynolds theater duke The Alana girl is no exception, except for one thing: she wanted to celebrate reynolds theater duke the anniversary in the favela. The idea was to have a different scenario, but unite to poor children and share with them a piece of cake.
Girl celebrated six years of life on the 25th of October in the City of God favela, dump region of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso reynolds theater duke do Sul, after insisting with parents that this would be the right decision for your party, eliminating the buffet where he had been the previous celebration.
To convince parents, biologist Gisseli Giraldelli and micro-entrepreneurs Nei Santos, Alana said lacked a celebration among friends of evangelization because, she said, "they have no birthday." reynolds theater duke The family makes regular visits from social assistance to the region due to the voluntary work of the spiritual group to which they belong.
Made the agreement, Alana dismissed gifts in exchange for food donation and materials such as cakes, soft drinks, hot dogs, inflatable toys and other delicious and fun items, all data by friends. It has also enlisted the help of 100 volunteers. Every effort yielded reynolds theater duke a huge congratulations to the girl, accompanied by 520 people in the neighborhood.
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