My plate is the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the new dietary guidelines published in 2011, replacing the use of nearly 20 years, the food pyramid (Food Pyramid), but also by US first lady Michelle strongly commend and support, thus a fame. Taiwan over the past to promote the food pyramid, plum graphics, and now the Department of Health Promotion fan dietary guidelines for the use of these images the way, a lot of people are always confused about, fukadac can implement in their daily diets rare. The new dietary guidelines My plate is brief, as long as each meal concept in mind there is a plate, pay attention to food configuration, you can eat a nutritionally balanced, healthy water Dangdang. My plate's icon has a platter, a small plate. Platter of color There are four parts, respectively, of a combination of four kinds of food types, green vegetables, red for fruits, orange as whole grains, purple fukadac is a protein; the size of the blocks of color are used to indicate the proportion fukadac of each type of match . Small-cap blue section to the right of the dairy intake.
This is the American people's daily dietary intake point of view of the design of the plate, emphasizing balanced intake of food types, the purpose is desired to adjust the American people's eating habits, reduce the incidence of obesity. From the ratio of the size of the patch, it is clear that fruits and vegetables should account for half of the daily intake of food. Among them, the portion of the protein, I would recommend subdivided into vegetable protein, animal protein, half the proportion of the sub. Can help people categorize, you know every meal should eat every color of food. Generally speaking, when we eat burgers, mostly bread with meat, eat rice diet rice dishes mixed together to eat meat, do not notice what kinds of food to eat in a meal themselves, if we can begin to build My The concept of plate plate, know what color of their own food to eat, I learned how to mix meal uptake ratio, know better than to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains fukadac slightly fukadac more protein. So, a person often eat hamburgers, obviously just eat the whole right side of the valley rhizome, protein, on the left of vegetables, fukadac fruits but almost no uptake into. Therefore, My plate so that people have a very clear picture, to review their own types of food to eat enough in the end. Pity that, My plate drawback is not clear amount of each category of food in the end how much, usually we eat hamburgers with meat, vegetables and only one, it is clear to see that this is not balanced. So I designed a "reversal of the plate" will teach people know each category of food components. In any case, the distribution of food at each meal for people who have no concept, My plate has been helpful to the. My plate can also be used in the Oriental diet
Myplate although according to the American diet is designed, how they can apply to the Taiwanese diet it? European and American diet is usually one person, one dish, Cook first folder into the tray, how much to eat as much folders, each component is easy to grow vegetables moderation, but Taiwanese like to eat vegetables together, Chiyikoufan with a dish, I would recommend in addition to eat a bowl outside, one person can prepare a small cap each dish, first to eat the food turns into a small cap dish, you can roughly know what foods has been selected. If you're not used to put dishes in the hearts of assuming a dish, you can achieve the same effect. My plate is a really nice tool, children can understand. I personally like to use My plate concept, no matter which one to use plates, round, square or take a bowl, as long as there is the outline of the concept of a dinner plate in mind, you can know which foods should be placed in each tray yard. When the United States began to promote My plate image table, I am very pleased, find food category assignment this plate, just that I usually eat in order. I published fukadac "lean not wrong," a book in 2009, it has been stressed that my own eating habits is to start eating vegetables begin, after eating protein, whole grains, and finally fukadac eat the fruit, this diet category assignment coincided with my plate coincide, the difference is, I emphasize that "eating order." And the United States "My plate" no special emphasis mushrooms, algae, mushrooms and algae I then added to increase the richness of vegetables, mushrooms and algae are weight loss and good ingredients.
"Reversal of the plate," diet is not easy to reuse a lifetime fat diet, by eating sequence, with the needs of different stages of weight fukadac loss diet, emphasizing the large number of eating vegetables, reduce intake of sugars. Remind all our friends who want to lose weight, weight loss should not be impatient, the real weight loss should be a long-term perspective, from the perspective of a lifetime to develop proper eating attitude, longevity, body type, eternal youth, a place to have done it. "Nevermore reversal fat diet plate" without dieting, eat, nutrition, fukadac Dr. teach you four easy stages rejection fat healthy thin!
Sculpture: fukadac the Effective fukadac develop muscle maintenance phase: fukadac reinvented body composition
In order to lose weight, every day preoccupied fukadac with weight numbers? C weight loss results in the rejection fukadac of fat, not the weight of numbers! This book teaches you figure out the ideal body weight, fukadac know their body fat percentage, muscle back no longer fat! Weight loss diet rules bunch, how many cards? How much traffic? Regarded as confused about? C easily learn the precise calculation of "reduced-fat" daily caloric intake, teach you "watch", "hand over" will be able to estimate the weight loss diet food "quantity" and "parts"! Dazzling way to lose weight, have advantages and disadvantages, but also reduce the problem to the slightest mistake. "Reversal of the plate" food design, because of the needs of different stages, although there will be a different configuration, but overall fukadac it is very importance of a balanced intake of seven nutrients, which one is not deliberately biased fukadac plate, emphasis on health Deals Heavy attitude and spirit. The book will teach you figure out the ideal body weight, the number of calories, and the plate of food required component selection and homemade / eating nutritious food easy to do, so you eat happy! Thin Healthy happy! Table of Contents
Weight loss is a psychological warfare
Sugar? Sugar? Both big difference
How current weight, calculated daily calorie needs?
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