Monday, May 25, 2015

For realization of the fifth Vinoskop City of Skopje aside half million. Presented guilt thirty man

Glass wine glass at the annual "Vinoskop" costs 60 euros. However, in the enclosure quay of the Vardar how to make nachos cheese sauce many visitors are served by the drink of the gods in plastic packaging. Thirty domestic and foreign wineries offer their products in a specially designed glass cups of Pescara back to the festival. For managers in the wine industry does not matter how much wine you drink the Fifth event "Vinoskop" it is important overall sales and consumption of wine during the entire year. Connoisseurs emphasize that you need to work on the culture of wine consumption, as elegance and enjoyment.
- Among the Macedonians wine still experiencing superficial. how to make nachos cheese sauce And those who are seen as major wine connoisseurs are not aware and do not have the habit of drinking wine is definitely a certain temperature. The full story of the wine perfectly experienced in combination with adequate food, explains Venus Gelebasheva Krstic, enologist at the winery Skovin.
This year, due to construction activities on the square in Skopje, the manifestation of enjoying the drink of the gods, is kept to a smaller space, which the organizer is an atmosphere of warmth and intimate atmosphere.
- This year we have a shorter but more compact look, warmer, more comfortable. In the fifth edition launched an initiative how to make nachos cheese sauce with the city, next year Vinoskop to do Balkan Festival, which is actually an idea from the start, but I think this year matured as Macedonian wine brand, says Pane Temov, part of the organization of Vinoskop.
- We have very few events for the promotion of wine and have beautiful how to make nachos cheese sauce wines. With Vinoskop develop how to make nachos cheese sauce and wine tourism. This is a good draw for foreigners in the square every day has increasingly said Slobodan Kosev, Head of the Department for Local Economic Development of the City of Skopje.
For realization of the fifth Vinoskop City of Skopje aside half million. Presented guilt thirty manufacturers. The specially marked points will buy "wine denars" or coupons that will be symbolic of payment during the five-day how to make nachos cheese sauce celebration of wine. For music repertoire charge Macedonian contractors including Vlatko Stefanovski Igor Dzambazov, Dautovski quartet, Esma Redzepova and Goce Arnaudov.
2012 (3) January (3) 2011 (7) December (1) November (3) October (2) Photo Story: Young activists occupied Skopje Skopje opened the fifth Wine Festival September (1)

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