Monday, May 25, 2015

Sweet cream paste it into another glass dish and razmatete it with a mixer until they make whipped

RECIPES 12 volt heater Peter
Before approximately two years, the wife of my friend Marjan asked me to do while Tiramisu was eight months pregnant. Hood started and found a few recipes including a recipe from the blog Finely 12 volt heater Seckano (that much respect). Of humor and joyful that you do Tiramisu came across a note that this recipe is not recommended for pregnant women because it contains live eggs that may be carriers of salmonella. Despite the recommendations of the pregnant woman was persistent to risk, we did, ate it, went super, and the baby also alive and healthy, tiramisu we did a few times and not to say the little prejadovme.
One thing that bothered me the recipe was that when we remove from the refrigerator, the tree piece smlitavuvashe 12 volt heater and rastopuvashe plate. From experience and from what had until then tried the tiramisu should firmly stick to the spoon, and yet be very easy sechlivo only tsp. I decided to devote a sip of it and learn more, but somehow I did not have time and so after a few years whenElenaTrimceska was eight months pregnant I decided again to make tiramisu. Browse among many recipes recipes that Mario Batali and Buddy Valastros AK Cake Boss. And I decided to do a new Tiramisu which miraculously turned out exactly 12 volt heater as I expected, solid, air, easy and wonderful to eat.
Note: The picture does not look exactly as they described the tiramisu (solid) because it gave him enough time to tighten before the cut for painting. I made a test piece odstojano tight and refrigerated overnight 12 volt heater which sat about 48 hours without starting to break down the daily temperature of 22 degrees. 12 volt heater It means that eventually sit tight indefinitely. 500 gr. mascarpone 6 egg yolks 2 cups of strong coffee (espresso, instant coffee, Jacobs) 2 packs pishkoti 400 ml. cream (cream) liqueur of choice cocoa powder sugar
First say a few words about the ingredients. Mascarpone is a sweet cream cheese in Skopje can be purchased 12 volt heater in all major markets, currently I think we have two brands. One is the other of Zbregov Galbani. Pishkoti small biscuit-like cake Plasma only much lighter. I currently also think that there are two brands which ednite se of Stark (in any market) and others in Forno d'Angelo (only Vero). As for the liquor you can use your favorite or any that you find at hand. As other ingredients are fairly neutral flavor biggest tiramisu flavor gets the coffee and liquor.
Before you begin other things, make the coffee in order to have time to cool down. How coffee is hotter the faster the blends and biscuits will raskashavuvaat faster. For this purpose make two cups (larger as tea) and coffee add 1 to 2 small glasses (for spirits) of liquor of choice and leave to cool.
In a smaller pot put water and place the pot on the ring to start provriva water. Place the egg whites in a glass bowl as a salad (more than tendzhercheto) and add two tablespoons of sugar. Razmatete egg yolks with sugar and place the glass jar on tendzhercheto. This in English is called "Double Boiler" or "Bain-marie" or making cooking with steam. Mix egg yolks continuous 4-5 minutes 12 volt heater or until you see that starting to little dense. Remove the glass bowl on the side and continue to mix until cool container. If not enough mix or not mix until cooled container can the eggs to make an omelet. That should get a semi dense yolk but still in a liquid state. If you want you can use hand mixer for mixing. Although the original recipe calls for egg whites mixed cold. I came across a recipe where egg whites to prepare in this way purely to have some heat treatment to reduce the risk of Salmonella.
Take the mascarpone and promatete to sip with a spoon in a bowl for fire and make it easier to mix and add the egg in cold. With a spatula or mixer mix the mascarpone nice with egg whites.
Sweet cream paste it into another glass dish and razmatete it with a mixer until they make whipped cream. Place half of the egg mixture and mascarpone in whipped-cream and try the less mixing with a spatula (with no mixer) to merge and then add the other half again and try to merge with the least possible interference to not push the air.
At this stage all the ingredients for tiramisu are ready and only have to "fold". For assembly you will need a spatula or other kitchen utensils smear whipped cream or if you do not try anything with the back of large spoon. Take a medium-sized pan. The pan put a third of the filling with egg yolks, mascarpone and whipped cream and distribute it evenly. W

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