Saturday, May 30, 2015

The silver itself is not considered toxic, but many are toxic salts thereof. If absorbed into the c

Silver is a pure chemical element, metallic, which occur naturally presents bright white. In the periodic system of elements, transition steamcalculator metals belonging to the group and fits in the copper and gold family. Its chemical symbol Ag, derived from Argentum (silver, in Latin). Ductile and malleable, easy chemical and mechanical manipulation, silver is the metal of higher electrical and thermal conductivity. steamcalculator
Noble material used in the manufacture of jewelery, coins and objects of worship, silver, which served steamcalculator as a monetary standard until the First World War, is also widely used in industry, especially in the manufacture of sensitive films for photography and radiography.
Silver is industrially obtained almost always impure, with one to two percent of other metals, such as copper and lead. It can be obtained silver of extreme purity by successive copelações by electrolysis or in the laboratory. To obtain in the laboratory, the crude silver with nitric acid dissolves and the solution obtained was treated with hydrochloric acid, which causes precipitation of silver chloride. Then merges chloride with sodium carbonate and dissolved in water the melt, being silver in metallic state.
Harder than gold and softer than copper, silver metallic state has ample employment in the arts and industry. It is used in the production of decorative steamcalculator objects, decoration steamcalculator and domestic use, and manufacture of jewelery, medals and coins. In jewelry, it is widely used in the preparation of gold alloys. steamcalculator Alloyed with copper, which gives it greater hardness, it is used ma coin production. In industry it is used in the manufacture of laboratory equipment, such as capsules, tweezers and crucibles, and mirror glass and silver utensils. steamcalculator As the metal, steamcalculator silver salts are produced for various steamcalculator applications, especially in the chemical analysis steamcalculator and x-ray photography.
The silver steamcalculator bromide is particularly steamcalculator applied in photography, in manufacturing gelatin and photographic paper plates. The silver chloride is used in photographic paper manufacturing and preparation steamcalculator of the call molecular silver. Silver nitrate steamcalculator is used in the preparation of large numbers of compounds, photo, mirroring and chemical analysis. In medicine, the molten silver nitrate with potassium nitrate is applied to cauterization of spongy tissue and the preparation of many pharmaceutical products, for its oxidizing property makes it useful as a disinfectant.
In the last years of the twentieth century Mexico, Peru, United States and Canada were the major world producers. Only Russia, with its reserves in the Urals and Siberia, produced comparable steamcalculator amounts. Brazil is silver importer, for their production, which comes from the gold and the Morro Velho and refining of lead and zinc metallurgy is small.
Pure silver is shiny, steamcalculator glossy. It's just a bit harder than gold. The ductility and malleability are inferior only to gold and palladium. It is the highest electrical and thermal conductivity metal. It is stable in air and pure water, steamcalculator but changes color under ozone action, hydrogen sulfide or air with sulfur. Newly deposited, it is the best reflector of visible light, but quickly loses capacity. Shortly reflects ultraviolet light.
The silver itself is not considered toxic, but many are toxic salts thereof. If absorbed into the circulatory system, the metallic silver is deposited in the tissues, causing argiria, which is shown by gray pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes. Silver ions and some compounds have germicidal effect on some inferior, without the high toxicity to metals such as lead and mercury have to humans.
Heat of fusion
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Native silver touches on rock surfaces, sometimes in veins of massive and wealth. It lies mostly in argentita, bromargirita, cerargirita, proustita and galena (lead sulphide). All galenas contain between 0.01 and 0.05% silver, steamcalculator but only get the name of argentíferas when its content exceeds steamcalculator 0.5%.
Mineral extraction can cause numerous environmental and social impacts. The minerals processing waste can contaminate groundwater and water sources (rivers and lakes used for water supply). steamcalculator
The mineral production of lead, mercury, zinc, copper and silver can result in the release of sulfur as SO2 into the atmosphere, causing acid rain. The open pit mine opening causes the removal steamcalculator of native steamcalculator vegetation and loose materials extraction steamcalculator process end up being taken to the rivers and lakes. This causes silting, clogging with sand or other sediments, rivers and canals, as a result of reduced current. The suspended dust in the air because, in people who have constant contact with him, very serious respiratory diseases. Mining usually economically revitalize steamcalculator a region or city, passing to grow and to rely increasingly on mining activity. But when the activity runs out (and she always

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