Sunday, December 15, 2013

In the summer, with the complicity of the heat, any food can turn into a dangerous reservoir of bac

In the summer, with the complicity of the heat, any food can turn into a dangerous reservoir of bacteria that can harm the stomach and intestines. This not necessarily go on vacation in the tropics: even your own kitchen is at risk. In fact, the high temperature facilitates the spread of germs on the food and the deterioration of the same, with health risks "poisoning, sometimes very serious, that cause stomach ache, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms," said Adnkronos Health Carlo Cannella, President of the 'National Research Institute swamp cooler car for Food and Nutrition (Inran). And even if you eat outside the home, maybe at a restaurant near the office, you need to pay attention "should be avoided dishes that 'parked' for hours in the buffet, raw vegetables, mayonnaise, cream, sour cream," recalls Cinnamon.
Prevention is the main and most effective weapon against poisoning, to be implemented swamp cooler car even in your own kitchen to prevent food contamination. It takes very little, always wash your hands, especially swamp cooler car if you touch raw foods still never use the same utensils for raw foods and then cooked, otherwise it can facilitate the transmission of germs from first to second. Raw and cooked foods must be kept separate in the refrigerator, the temperature in the refrigerator should be maintained at all times on the 4 degrees and the food stored in it can be stored only for a specified period of time, even when on the packaging there is no expiration date; cook foods is very important because a temperature swamp cooler car higher than 65 degrees, for about half an hour, destroys most bacteria, but it is better to eat the food quickly, without store it at room temperature where it could be again defiled foods should always be protected from contact swamp cooler car with insects, which may contaminate them; attention even when you go shopping: no purchases swamp cooler car in improvised places, such as at the beach or on the roadside. Also it is always important to check that the packaging is intact and, if you buy frozen, do not stop the cold chain, so it is comfortable to wear straight home purchases.
2010 Trilud SpA P.IVA 13059540156

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