Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The table is the test of good manners, which follow here a script rigid and inflexible. Essential,

The table is the test of good manners, which follow here a script rigid and inflexible. Essential, therefore, to deal with it is to know the basic rules to apply, but without sacrificing its spontaneity. A key to good manners is its naturalness, which is reached only with the habit to make the same gestures every day, even on their own and without spectators.
Before you sit down you must wash your hands. When and 'guests 12 volt ceramic heater in someone's home you get with clean hands, but on special occasions you may ask permission to go to wash them. Eating should not hold a position curve and too close to the plate, but remain straight, not stiff, and bring food to the mouth, raising his arm. You should not rest your elbows on the table, but keep them at your sides. As soon as you sit down you explain the napkin on your lap. And 'rude tie it around your neck or slip it into the collar of his shirt. At the end of the meal does not withdraw, but it leaned back to the left of the plate before getting up. Family, however, you fold it to put it in the napkin. Before you start eating expects that all diners are served and the hostess (or host) to take home the first bite. If guests are numerous and the hostess invites to start so as not to cool the food is allowed 12 volt ceramic heater to begin. If the guests are numerous, in spite of what has always known, you start eating as soon as food is served hot, without having to wait to be served at all. In the case of cold foods or buffets, wait until the start given by the hostess. You should not touch food with their hands, except the bread and some fruit. The bread does not cut it breaks. The same breadsticks 12 volt ceramic heater that should never be bitten. If any food requires the presence of the finger bowl cups, do not you put out the whole hand, but only the tip of the fingers and then dries into the towel. One must never, absolutely never, mouthing the knife. The food that is in the pot should not be cut into many pieces, but one bite at a time, hand in hand that you eat. After putting on a bit staid, you should immediately introduce it into his mouth. It serves the dish with the appropriate cutlery and you can not use your fork already used to use yet. Equally the spoon with which you are already blended tea 'or coffee can not be used to make more sugar from the sugar bowl. The food must remain in the center of the plate: should not be crushed or pushed to the edge. If a food or drink is too hot it is better 12 volt ceramic heater to wait for it to cool, to avoid making grimaces after being scalded. It is very rude blow on the spoon or the food on the plate to cool. Before a bite to eat we must be careful that it does not contain any part of waste, not to be then forced to spit it out. The kernels of the fruit or pieces of scrap, inadvertently put into the mouth, do not let themselves fall directly into the pot. If you have been placed in the mouth with a piece of cutlery are slipped on it and then on the plate, if you lay your hands in the fist that brings them back on the plate. The cutlery by using the least possible noise. The spoon must not be filled too, because bringing it to the mouth part of the content may fall into the pot. To collect the last spoonfuls 12 volt ceramic heater of soup the soup plate can be angled toward the center of the table, never towards you. Finished 12 volt ceramic heater eating, the spoon is still in its holster perpendicular to the person. If you drank the broth in the cup, however, the spoon will be placed on the plate saucers. The consommé in a cup with handles and any drink served in a cup should be drunk directly from it. The spoon, that must not fail, you just need to mix. When you stop for a moment to eat or drink to speak, you put your cutlery obliquely with the tips of the knife and fork that intersect with the tines of the fork downwards and the knife blade toward the center of the dish. It 's not for nothing lay them end like the oars of a boat.: A right and a left side of the plate with the point on the edge and the handle on the tablecloth. When you are 'finished eating they leave the cutlery on the plate, perpendicular to the person with the handles on the edge. Before drinking and after drinking you have to wipe his lips with a napkin: the first unsightly not to leave fingerprints on the glass and then to dry the mouth. With his mouth full and not have to drink much less speak. Pouring a drink you should not fill the glass to the brim. The same rule not to overfill the cups or glasses must be observed by those who pour tea, coffee or liquor. The drink does not have to raise your arm too

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